#chat | Logs for 2016-02-18

[09:32:14] -!- LogBotIsWatchin [LogBotIsWatchin!~LogBotIsW@] has joined #chat
[09:33:25] -!- LogBotIsWatchin [LogBotIsWatchin!~LogBotIsW@] has joined #chat
[09:41:30] <greymtr> Okay....
[09:46:27] <greymtr> Decided to do both .txt file and html output
[09:47:09] <greymtr> it's an unlinked file
[09:49:02] <greymtr> and it's basically for those of us [ read : me ] who can't use ssh all the time
[09:49:39] <greymtr> Basically : if you don't want it , I'll delete it.
[09:51:47] <greymtr> And I'll go restart the bot
[09:53:07] -!- LogBotIsWatchin [LogBotIsWatchin!~LogBotIsW@] has joined #chat
[09:53:31] -!- LogBotIsWatchin [LogBotIsWatchin!~LogBotIsW@] has joined #chat
[09:55:17] <greymtr> Okay, will be back some other time
[09:55:22] -!- greymtr has quit ["leaving"]
[12:08:13] <caasih> I got this message: "The RSA host key for ctrl-c.club has changed."
[12:08:19] <caasih> Is it normal?
[12:38:56] <calamitous> Is what normal? The server should be pretty much back to normal, yes. :)
[12:44:52] <caasih> calamitous: ok. so I have to update known_hosts. thank you :)
[14:25:44] <calamitous> Hey, it looks like ~greymtr set up a chatlogger for us! Awesome!
[14:26:44] <calamitous> @cassih, sorry for the odd reply... I'm missing some of the messages coming through IRC
[14:26:50] -!- calamitous has quit ["leaving"]
[14:27:35] -!- calamitous [calamitous!~calamitou@] has joined #chat
[14:27:52] <calamitous> Let's see if a restart fixes it...