#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-05-12

[00:17:38] -!- frigginglorious has quit [Connection closed]
[17:19:26] -!- frigginglorious [frigginglorious!~Thunderbir@071-082-147-112.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:23:26] -!- frigginglorious has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[17:23:29] -!- frigginglorious [frigginglorious!~Thunderbir@rrcs-24-206-45-122.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:35:26] -!- rmg [rmg!rmg@] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:39:33] <rmg> hi, I'm new here
[17:40:23] <rmg> was wondering why it takes time for chsh to take effect. I don't remember encountering this in the past
[17:40:37] <rmg> also is ubuntu 14.04 still supported?
[17:45:00] <rmg> you might want to fix the ssl certificate. seems like an expired cert for discource.ctrl-c.club is sent
[18:06:28] -!- frigginglorious has quit [Connection closed]
[18:07:04] -!- frigginglorious [frigginglorious!~Thunderbir@071-082-147-112.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[18:07:11] <calamitous> Interesting. Thanks for letting me know about the cert.
[18:07:30] <calamitous> The chsh shouldn't take any time, but you may have to log out and back in.
[18:08:22] <calamitous> And w/r/t Ubuntu 10.04, I'm working on a new server with a little more room, that will have a much more recent OS on it (Debian Buster)
[19:12:42] <rmg> chsh; I was logging out and logging back in. got really confused when I kept getting bash. Then took a while to figure where is what. by then, my connection died and I was forced to reconnect finding my new shell.
[19:13:58] <rmg> new server; how will you handle migration? remount /home as ro and rsync?
[19:14:22] <rmg> on /etc, other than passwd and shadow, are there any other files you don't want to forget?
[19:16:20] <rmg> Also, thanks for running the service. Still need to figure my usecase.
[19:19:16] <calamitous> rmg: that is strange. I've not seen that issue before.
[19:20:16] <calamitous> re: the new server, I've been test-building the new server a couple times to make sure we don't lose any data. There's a bunch of stuff that needs to come over, configs, tools, firewall blacklists, etc.
[19:20:43] <calamitous> I
[19:21:11] <calamitous> ve got everything working at this point except the mail, I think. Email is a beast to get right.
[19:23:01] <rmg> You'd think email is easy given that smtp is simple mail transfer protocol
[19:31:56] <rmg> What do you think of snap?
[19:32:14] <rmg> What are the reasons you've decided to move to Debian from Ubuntu?
[19:37:12] <calamitous> Oh, the SMTP protocol is easy. I've checked/sent email with telnet on any number of occassions. :D It's the servers/DNS/not getting everything shipped straight to the spam folder that's hard.
[19:38:01] <calamitous> I haven't used snap much. I'm not sure what it really provides over apt, but I haven't dug into it much.
[19:40:10] <rmg> snap has a misfeature where it updates programs automatically. A prime reason to not use it. I prefer to know when I'm going to break things.
[19:40:28] <rmg> https://snapcraft.io
[19:44:34] <calamitous> eek
[19:46:50] <calamitous> For the Debian/Ubuntu thing, I don't have a strong reason. Debian seems slightly more stable, but still close enough to Ubuntu that I won't have to re-tool all my knowledge to admin it.
[19:47:54] <calamitous> I'd like to try Arch, since they seem to have to most up-to-date packages, but my cloud provder doesn't support it.
[19:51:18] <rmg> Running Arch is feasible archlinux.org runs on Arch.
[23:44:26] -!- ngp has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]