#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-08-16

[02:33:10] -!- mmmattyx has quit [quit: Connection closed for inactivity]
[14:15:51] -!- ziggys [ziggys!~ziggys@2803:6602:5002:e600:4a5b:39ff:fef0:a548] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:16:29] -!- ziggys has quit [quit: WeeChat 2.8]
[14:48:40] -!- ziggys [ziggys!~ziggys@2803:6602:5002:e600:4a5b:39ff:fef0:a548] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:50:51] -!- ziggys has quit [quit: WeeChat 2.8]
[14:50:59] -!- ziggys [ziggys!~ziggys@2803:6602:5002:e600:4a5b:39ff:fef0:a548] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:34:22] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:59:59] -!- ziggys has quit [quit: WeeChat 2.8]
[17:04:36] <felix> This is too short for a post on Iris, and I made two in a row, but:
[17:05:00] <felix> I can't believe how easy it is to write Gemini pages.
[17:05:59] <felix> Much easier than either HTML or Gophermaps.
[17:06:31] <felix> Basically a subset of Markdown with a minor extension for links.
[17:07:10] <felix> You should try it, there's only three of us on Ctrl-C right now.
[17:08:00] <andinus> yeah its simple
[17:14:16] <felix> Also, silly question: we get e-mail accounts here? Just curious.
[17:14:40] <felix> Saw one listed on someone's homepage.
[17:17:58] <andinus> iir yes
[17:19:07] <andinus> wait i dont remember
[17:19:24] <andinus> cant find on wiki either
[17:21:00] <felix> The wiki needs some love.
[17:22:33] <andinus> yeah iirc i wanted to fix it
[17:22:49] <andinus> i'm cyaniventer btw and a dozen other identities
[17:22:57] <andinus> ctrl-c was my first tilde
[17:23:23] <andinus> http://ctrl-c.club
[17:23:48] <andinus> heh those example gifs are dead
[17:25:15] <felix> I have a bunch of identities online too.
[17:25:17] <andinus> wow that was just last year
[17:25:29] <andinus> i keep only one but used to change them frequently
[17:25:41] <andinus> i dont do that anymore and have andinus for a while
[17:32:38] <felix> That's fine too!
[17:36:58] <felix> I'm nttp on the site. Probably made a bad choice here.
[17:37:13] <andinus> nttp?
[17:38:48] <felix> Short for No Time To Play. Should have went with the full name.
[17:43:22] <felix> For what it's worth, this is my second tilde.
[17:43:58] <felix> First one didn't work out. Things fell through quickly.
[17:45:52] <andinus> i see
[17:45:58] <andinus> a
[17:46:33] <andinus> you could request for a username change if you want
[17:47:09] <felix> Nah, I'll leave things as they fell.
[17:47:43] <felix> But thanks! It's good to know.
[18:25:13] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[19:42:34] <jlj7> felix: yeah, we do get email accounts.
[19:43:30] <jlj7> Curious about your other tilde experience. This was the first one I picked; knew I'd lucked out, but even more than I realised, I'm now thinking.
[23:02:07] -!- mmmattyx [mmmattyx!uid17782@id-17782.hathersage.irccloud.com] has joined #ctrl-c