#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-08-29

[04:59:23] -!- ogrona [ogrona!ogrona@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[05:01:49] <ogrona> q
[05:01:51] -!- ogrona has quit [Client exited]
[08:02:33] <jlj7> tmux here too :-)
[08:02:40] * jlj7 waves
[08:23:06] -!- jlj7 has quit [quit: Leaving]
[16:05:15] <michel> I ended up with mosh+tmux+weechat. Had to tweak my tmux config because wow tmux 1.8 is ooold
[16:05:37] <michel> now to learn weechat keybindings. How do I scroll up...
[16:08:37] <ben> pgup/pgdn
[16:08:39] <ben> https://weechat.org
[16:24:46] <michel> ben: yeah. had to use hacker keyboard on.my phone until I figure out how to add that shortcut to termux
[16:26:33] <ben> use weechat-android
[16:26:40] <ben> https://github.com
[16:29:45] <michel> ben: oh nice
[16:29:48] <michel> thanks!
[16:32:44] <michel> on second thought I'll stick with this for now. I am on my laptop most of the time, this is just a lazy Saturday morning thing 😅
[17:44:51] <ben> use both :)
[17:44:59] <ben> weechat-android connects to an existing weechat
[19:00:45] <michel> yep but I don't feel like dealing with ssh reconnections