#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-08-30

[01:24:22] <michel> ben: so it turns out since Android aggressively kills inactive processes, using mosh inside termux is pointless anyway. weechat-android it is
[01:38:08] <michel> Sweet - it works
[01:46:50] <michel> anyone knows how bear's IP map script work? I can't find it in crontab. it... hasn't run for some hours
[01:47:43] <michel> trying to figure out how it figured out doug opted in since his home directory has 700 permission (he's the top dot on the US East Coast) - http://ctrl-c.club
[01:55:41] <michel> ah, silly me. code's on github and... I had to force refresh my browser. so... if you set your directory to 700 and then are never online again looks like you don't get rescanned
[01:55:56] <michel> and so you never get removed from the map
[13:29:03] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[13:31:04] <felix> So, I started writing an overview of the small web / small internet.
[13:31:13] <felix> It mentions tilde servers among other things.
[16:11:08] <michel> felix: neat
[16:12:35] <felix> Thanks!
[16:19:47] <michel> Share the link when it's ready?
[16:20:35] <felix> Sure thing! https://felix.plesoianu.ro
[16:21:01] <felix> In other news, I keep typing `who` at the Iris prompt. :P
[17:09:49] <michel> felix: I kept typing which, haha
[17:10:56] <felix> Trying to figure out what's available?
[17:11:40] <michel> Which - yes. Just joined tilde a few days ago and that Iris prompt is so similar to a shell prompt!
[17:11:41] <michel> Would love to see more on indieweb. I'm still a bit fuzzy on how to get started there
[17:11:58] <felix> Welcome to ^C!
[17:12:40] <felix> And well, if you mean the capital-I IndieWeb, you need a domain name and host of your own.
[17:13:07] <felix> Otherwise, just start populating your public_html directory. ;)
[17:16:16] <felix> If you're new to making web pages and find it tricky, try Gemini instead.
[17:17:42] <michel> felix: I have my own domain too, currently using Hugo for my blog there. Going to look at Gemini here and on circumlunar.space
[17:17:59] <felix> Oh, nice!
[17:18:20] <michel> Ideally I can just modify my hugo settings to output the files IndieWeb needs too
[17:18:26] <felix> I used BashBlog for a couple of years, then made my own SSG.
[17:18:40] <felix> Sure you can, it's just a matter of adding microformats.
[17:18:41] <michel> Thanks for the welcome!
[17:19:21] <felix> Least I can do. Just got here a couple of weeks ago myself.
[17:19:24] <michel> Yeah. I could write my own but I'm bad at design so I figured... might as well pick one with nice themes
[17:19:43] <felix> Fair enough.
[17:20:08] <michel> Any good pointer to the bare minimum needed for IndieWeb?
[17:20:44] <michel> Also... an ssg that does both gemini and html would be neat
[17:21:18] <felix> Sure, it's all right there on their wiki: https://indieweb.org
[17:22:10] <felix> And I'm not familiar with SSGs in Geminispace, but look at this:
[17:22:20] <felix> https://flounder.online
[17:29:41] <felix> On ^C it just felt more natural to handcraft my own pages.
[17:31:20] <felix> We also have an official SSG that looks nice enough.
[17:31:59] <felix> But I already have way too many blogs.
[17:44:03] <michel> Oh nice, I'll try and look at the official SSG too
[17:44:57] <michel> I guess what I want is to write once and publish in both (right now I use Markdown, so maybe either convert that to gemini or the other way around)
[17:46:54] <felix> That's very easy because gemtext is a subset of Markdown with a different link syntax.
[17:50:03] <felix> And this might help: http://ctrl-c.club
[17:54:46] <felix> They're different media though.
[17:54:56] <felix> Sooner or later I'll let mine drift apart.
[17:59:43] <michel> Cool, thanks!
[18:24:25] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[21:18:06] -!- perrierjouet [perrierjouet!~perrierjou@modemcable012.251-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ctrl-c