#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-09-08

[00:48:18] spacehare is now known as kiedtl
[00:48:47] kiedtl is now known as spacehare
[01:21:35] spacehare is now known as kiedtl
[01:29:20] -!- perrierjouet has quit [quit: WeeChat 2.9]
[02:18:33] -!- adam has quit [quit: WeeChat 2.8]
[02:18:55] -!- adam [adam!adam@] has joined #ctrl-c
[03:26:15] <timemachine> good evening, if anyone is around...
[04:42:00] <xwindows> ,yt uGfFQJCkEIQ
[07:46:55] -!- lz4 [lz4!lounge-user@p5ddcaa96.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ctrl-c
[11:14:52] -!- He1rball [He1rball!~h3lix@] has joined #ctrl-c
[12:30:52] -!- user [user!~h3lix@pool-108-18-208-207.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[12:33:38] -!- perrierjouet [perrierjouet!~perrierjou@modemcable012.251-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ctrl-c
[12:34:16] -!- He1rball has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[13:14:57] <timemachine> xwindows: nice!
[13:32:39] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:31:40] <felix> I posted this on the forum, too, but: I made a thing!
[16:58:35] <timemachine> I just published my blog ... it is minimal on content, I just wanted to get it out there: http://ctrl-c.club
[17:10:44] <timemachine> felix: The line editor looks great.
[17:10:56] <felix> Thank you!
[17:12:29] <felix> It works in Lynx, but Opera shows a blank page.
[17:12:43] <felix> If that's on purpose, it's a very interesting statement.
[17:13:12] <felix> Wait no, it just failed to load on first try.
[17:13:30] <felix> How very odd. And also appropriate.
[17:14:23] <timemachine> felix: ahh ok . it should be generic enough to work everywhere ... There was a blank index.html there for some time so you may have gotten a cache.
[17:14:32] <felix> Oh!
[17:14:38] <felix> That makes sense.
[17:14:53] <felix> Anyway, it's a good start!
[17:14:57] <timemachine> thanks
[17:21:35] <felix> Our little club is getting more active.
[17:22:28] <timemachine> you know it always suprizes me that I can read a post 100 times before I publish it. But never see the most obvious typing errors until it is public.
[17:22:44] <timemachine> felix: two thumbs up to that comment.
[17:28:05] <timemachine> is bombadillo the only gemni browser on copper?
[17:30:36] <felix> I'm not sure.
[17:31:01] <felix> And hey, I sometimes spot typos after years.
[17:34:50] <felix> If you're not getting along with Bombadillo, try Amfora.
[17:42:08] <timemachine> felix: I'll take a look. I put a TODO to update my text/html site generator to create text/gemini content. I want to test it in other renders; so thatnk you for the suggestion.
[17:43:08] <timemachine> gmi is a so simple a format it's hard to get wrong.
[17:45:08] <felix> Indeed! I wrote a viewer in 87 lines of Tcl/Tk.
[17:45:21] <felix> The actual parser is 40 lines.
[17:48:17] <timemachine> Tcl :) what a language.
[17:49:58] <felix> I know, right?
[17:51:15] <timemachine> my CS proctor told us, in 1998, that Tcl/Tk was the "future" ... which would have been great; unfortunatly the future was javascript. ;)
[17:55:34] <felix> Yeah, I was so much into Tcl in 1999-2000, but then moved on to PHP and JS.
[17:55:57] <felix> Finally went back this spring. Hit the ground running, to my surprise.
[18:21:57] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[18:31:14] <calamitous> timemachine: Nice! And yes, I think bombadillo is the only one so far, but if you'd like another one up there, point me to it and we'll get it installed
[19:12:00] kiedtl is now known as ducc
[19:31:24] <michel> timemachine: tkinter is still part of the Python standard library to this day even! Though I notice my distro (Fedora) split it out into a separate subpackage now
[19:31:46] <michel> so Tcl/Tk's impact far exceeds just Tcl the language
[19:53:34] <timemachine> calamitous: thanks! Speaking of installations, what are your thoughts of adding a LetEncrypt! cert to the ctrl-c.club domain? It is easy to configure with nginx. Look up the run books I wrote for my company's cloud servers if you are in.
[20:00:09] ducc is now known as kiedtl
[20:00:16] <ben> i wonder if certbot is even packaged in trusty
[20:01:05] <timemachine> ben, you need to add an apt-repository for all Unbuntu versions.
[20:01:55] <timemachine> If you search Digital Ocean's documentation for `how-to-secure-nginx-with-let-s-encrypt-on-ubuntu-14-04` you see instructions.
[20:02:15] <ben> you don't need it for recent versions
[20:02:25] <ben> bionic and focal have a reasonably up-to-date version of certbot
[20:02:35] <timemachine> good to know.
[20:06:32] <ben> wow that nginx version on ctrl-c.club is quite old :P
[20:28:41] <michel> we hopefully won't remain on Trusty for long :)
[20:28:50] <michel> it's no longer ... trusty ;)
[20:29:35] <ben> lol yeah it's been EoL for a while now
[20:56:23] -!- anton has quit [quit: antoff]
[21:00:38] -!- anton [anton!anton@amcclure.org] has joined #ctrl-c
[23:02:44] -!- lz4 has quit [quit: https://web.tilde.chat - thelounge]
[23:12:38] -!- narasimba [narasimba!narasimba@] has joined #ctrl-c
[23:22:11] <narasimba> Hi everyone, I just joined Ctrl-C.club earlier today. To be honest I don't really remember how I got to know about the Tilde world but I am glad I found it, I feel I have finally found a community that sees the internet the same way as I do. Thanks to everyone making this possible (: