#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-09-09

[00:14:29] -!- narasimba has quit [Connection closed]
[00:56:59] -!- perrierjouet has quit [quit: WeeChat 2.8]
[01:22:50] -!- perrierjouet [perrierjouet!~perrierjou@modemcable012.251-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ctrl-c
[02:10:42] <calamitous> Howdy! Have fun, and shout if you need anything!
[02:26:52] -!- Wholesomedonut [Wholesomedonut!~Wholesomed@c-98-202-233-252.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[02:29:46] <Wholesomedonut> Hi!
[02:34:05] <timemachine> Wholesomedonut: sup
[02:35:47] <Wholesomedonut> timemachine: nothing much. Just got the email with my pass and stuff. So I just finished getting my little corner of the server set up.
[02:35:51] <Wholesomedonut> Now.... what to do with it.
[02:39:54] -!- user has quit [Connection closed]
[02:44:52] -!- Wholesomedonut has quit [Connection closed]
[04:48:12] -!- Wholesomedonut [Wholesomedonut!~Wholesomed@c-98-202-233-252.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[04:50:02] -!- Wholesomedonut has quit [Connection closed]
[10:54:59] -!- He1rball [He1rball!~h3lix@pool-108-18-208-207.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[12:22:55] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[13:24:41] <timemachine> HI felix
[13:24:48] <felix> Hello!
[13:25:53] <felix> How are you?
[13:26:15] <timemachine> I'm well.
[13:26:37] <timemachine> procrastinating....
[13:27:03] <felix> :D
[13:27:07] <timemachine> Et tu?
[13:29:03] <timemachine> There is a fly the size of a walrus in my office...
[13:29:23] <felix> Yikes!
[13:29:46] <felix> I wanted to code more today but not much luck yet.
[13:34:55] <timemachine> I need to write API docs...
[13:38:26] <felix> Ouch.
[13:39:30] <timemachine> So I'm writing software to generate them ... the ultimate procrastination.
[13:42:27] <felix> He he.
[13:49:38] <felix> I just need to put a few more things in Snaked.
[13:53:38] <felix> Oh, nice blog post. Love how the forum came to life.
[14:04:44] <timemachine> thanks
[14:08:49] <timemachine> I see a lot of people connecting from USERNAME@reverse-dns so I thought I'd let them know how to connect to copper, from copper.
[14:12:51] <felix> Is it so bad I connect from my desktop? Saves a terminal window.
[14:43:51] <felix> In other news, yay, progress.
[14:47:00] <timemachine> felix: no, it's not bad. do what you like. I'm just using it as a learning tool.
[14:47:31] <felix> Fair enough! And believe me, I like irssi better than hexchat.
[16:26:13] -!- wholesomedonut [wholesomedonut!wholesomedo@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:27:18] <felix> Hello!
[16:27:32] <wholesomedonut> timemachine: Thanks for the blog! I got it all up and running without too much work. :)
[16:27:39] <wholesomedonut> felix: Hello!
[16:28:21] <felix> Glad to hear you're settling in!
[16:33:12] <wholesomedonut> now to get my gemini and html pages to actually do stuff.
[16:35:59] <felix> Can't wait to see what you make.
[16:58:13] <timemachine> wholesomedonut: glad to hear it!
[17:02:17] <wholesomedonut> what are some cool projects you guys have worked on in this server?
[17:03:02] <felix> Same as you, my website and Gemini capsule.
[17:04:22] <felix> Got some games and tools that can run on a tilde.
[17:04:37] <wholesomedonut> calamitous: also I just found out today the certificate for ctrl-c.club expired ages ago apparently. Like 2017?
[17:05:08] <wholesomedonut> felix: I'm thinking I've got a project that would be perfect to mess with on here. Just need to.... start it. XD
[17:05:14] <felix> Do tell!
[17:06:03] <wholesomedonut> it's basically just a big predefined calculator for board games. So you can enjoy playing instead of "Oh so they did this and I did that, minus this penalty..."
[17:06:27] <wholesomedonut> All you'd do is tap or click a few buttons and it would auto resolve the formulae
[17:06:55] <wholesomedonut> but I just realized... we don't host anything with JS on here do we?
[17:10:23] <felix> I don't see why not, but people would need a mainstream browser.
[17:10:54] <felix> I.e. they couldn't use the page while logged into the server.
[17:14:05] <timemachine> there is node.js installed. Version 6. You wouldn't be able to listen to connections with it but can write scripts.
[17:16:07] <timemachine> you could also use your ideas and learn an new language. Like Python or Ruby.
[17:19:53] <felix> I have a quick start guide for making TUI games with Python.
[17:20:15] <felix> Should work just as well for making utilities.
[17:25:39] -!- anton [anton!anton@amcclure.org] has parted #ctrl-c
[17:26:50] -!- anton [anton!anton@amcclure.org] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:29:38] -!- anton has quit [Connection closed]
[17:35:20] -!- anton [anton!anton@yourtilde.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:44:00] <wholesomedonut> timemachine: Oh that's fine I'm good with Nodejs
[17:44:21] <wholesomedonut> felix: send me that link sometime pls
[17:44:47] <felix> http://ctrl-c.club
[17:54:07] <wholesomedonut> thanks!
[18:25:41] <timemachine> wholesomedonut, felix, either of you web gurus know Handlebars.js?
[18:26:10] <felix> Nope, sorry.
[18:27:16] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[19:35:31] <wholesomedonut> timemachine: Handlebars.js uses a very similar syntax to Vue.js which is my main JS framework. So...kinda. What's your question?
[19:36:10] <wholesomedonut> It's basically a way to input JSON-style data into predefined HTML templates dynamically using clientside scripting.
[19:55:42] <timemachine> wholesomedonut: Thanks, I sortted it out ... it was this issue: https://github.com
[20:42:48] <wholesomedonut> Sounds good!
[21:41:44] -!- anton1 [anton1!anton@2a00:d880:11::38] has joined #ctrl-c
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[21:42:35] -!- anton [anton!anton@2a00:d880:11::38] has joined #ctrl-c
[21:53:29] -!- anton has quit [quit: antoff]
[21:54:01] -!- anton [anton!anton@amcclure.org] has joined #ctrl-c
[23:44:21] -!- He1rball has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]