#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-09-12

[00:23:00] <timemachine> Olympia 45 is a sweet eletric model.
[01:11:13] -!- kiedtl has quit [quit: C-c C-x]
[01:14:48] -!- kiedtl [kiedtl!~kiedtl@] has joined #ctrl-c
[07:32:27] <wholesomedonut> timemachine: any tips on where to get ribbons for it? Are the ones on eBay any good? I'm realizing that I had about 60% of my spool left when I got it and now I'm running rather low. I've been using it a lot. But I'm not sure where to go for ribbons that fit.
[11:42:40] -!- Eris [Eris!~XxErisxX@ip70-162-16-170.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[11:46:57] -!- Eris [Eris!~XxErisxX@ip70-162-16-170.ph.ph.cox.net] has parted #ctrl-c
[11:54:47] -!- k33k [k33k!k33k@tilde.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[11:59:58] -!- kiedtl has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[12:27:22] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[12:31:19] -!- kiedtl [kiedtl!~kiedtl@] has joined #ctrl-c
[12:31:49] <felix> Hello!
[13:04:21] -!- k33k has quit [Client exited]
[15:22:22] <wholesomedonut> morning!
[15:22:42] * felix waves!
[15:24:19] <wholesomedonut> adding my first code to this thing today. little python cli game.
[15:24:40] <felix> Congrats!
[15:26:53] <felix> Those can be fun to write. What kind of game is it?
[16:50:18] <calamitous> Awesome! Let me know if/when you've got something to showcase, I'll post it on the news section of the website :)
[16:51:53] <felix> Hi, calamitous.
[17:16:13] <wholesomedonut> felix: it's a clone of mastermind. You have a sequence of 4 'colors' to guess, and the game generates a clue based on your guesses.
[17:16:21] <wholesomedonut> it randomly generates the clue and you go from there.
[17:16:26] <felix> Oh, nice!
[17:16:36] <wholesomedonut> it can easily be extended into larger sequences or other things. but so far it's pretty fun.
[17:16:38] <felix> Haven't played one of those in ages.
[17:16:57] <wholesomedonut> real simple but i figure ive gotta start somewhere fresh instead of just copypasta from another repo
[17:17:12] <wholesomedonut> gotta give me a reason to use my tilde gitea xD
[17:17:30] <felix> I see!
[17:21:12] <felix> Two of the games I brought to Ctrl-C are also clones.
[17:21:35] <felix> And the others aren't especially original either.
[18:17:50] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[19:16:34] <wholesomedonut> So am I tripping out, or is the Gemini protocol just plaintext and a bit of markdown for headings and links? I feel like I'm either way overthinking it or I can't read the documentation to save my life.
[19:16:49] <wholesomedonut> Just threw a .gmi file in my public_gemini file and I have no idea if it'll work. :D
[19:28:35] <timemachine> mistermind is an execelent game.
[19:30:01] <timemachine> wholesomedonut: you have read the docs for .gmi correctly. It is intentionally plain.
[20:01:58] <wholesomedonut> well then I guess my page will go up eventually. Doesn't it refresh every hour or so?
[20:07:08] <timemachine> correct.
[20:07:41] <timemachine> Linux networking is the bane of my relaxing Saturday!!!
[20:12:46] <timemachine> wholesomedonut: About typewritter ribbons. I just to buy ribbons for adding machines (this was in the mid-2000s at office depot). they have different spool sizes but the same width cloth, you just need to rewind the ribbon onto your spool.
[20:13:23] <timemachine> I bougth 4 boxes of 10 each in 2004 and havn't needed to restock since.
[20:13:35] <timemachine> wish I could be more help.
[20:17:09] <timemachine> most amazon product descriptions will have the spool size and ribbon size listed. As long as you have a left and right spoll all you need to match is the ribbon size, and rewind them if the spool is off.
[20:25:35] <timemachine> id you don't have the spools let me know and I can help you find the correct sizes and if they originally came in metal or plastic only. (You want metal is you can find them as they are resuable for longer and eventially you won't be able to find them any more)
[20:26:20] <timemachine> I'm just fat fingers tpyo all over the internet today :(
[21:29:28] <wholesomedonut> timemachine: I've got plastic spools for both sides and they seem to work fine. But it seems like mine are some sort of plastic filament or tape, with ink on them. They aren't cloth. Are the ribbon ones reusable? Can you "re-ink" them?
[21:30:15] <wholesomedonut> At any rate the adding machine idea is a good one. I'll have to see what I can hunt down.
[22:20:23] <timemachine> wholesomedonut: Ahh I didn't realise that model had correctable film.
[22:21:25] <timemachine> you can put stamp ink on the cloth ribbons but it is a mess.
[22:26:05] <timemachine> if you have black/red ribbons adding ink ruins the red side.
[22:27:10] <timemachine> do you have a ribbon in your typewritter now? I'm wondering if it have a black halk and a white half or a glue strip.
[22:48:38] -!- k33k [k33k!k33k@tilde.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[22:57:05] <timemachine> Hi k33k.
[22:57:31] <k33k> o/