#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-09-18

[00:28:51] -!- timemachine [timemachine!timemachine@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[00:29:48] -!- timemachine has quit [Client exited]
[00:36:25] -!- timemachine [timemachine!timemachine@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[01:40:17] <wholesomedonut> michel: How do you like the Pinebook Pro? Been deliberating on springing for one.
[01:40:21] <wholesomedonut> How well does it run?
[02:05:45] * timemachine is also interested in this topic
[03:13:15] <michel> wholesomedonut: I need to pare down my Firefox extensions, and some apps that require opengl 3 won't run, but it's marvelously built and works great for the sort of apps I want to use more anyway
[03:14:04] <michel> Emacs works, nextcloud works, the Rust starship.rs that I have to compile myself because aarch64 works great
[03:14:38] <michel> Haven't tried external monitors, I hear it's temporarily broken on kernel 5.8
[03:42:00] <tomo__c> how are the keyboard/touchpad on it?
[03:51:29] <wholesomedonut> Considering I plan on using i3 and qutebrowser most likely, not too worried about Firefox lagging. Though I'm really curious about opengl 3 having issues. Do you think that's a GPU driver issue or something deeper like a kernel issue? I know the Mali T-860 is basically a phone GPU
[03:52:51] <timemachine> michel: did it comde with debian installed and did you change that out?
[04:02:49] <michel> timemachine: nope, manjaro kde out of the box
[04:03:49] <michel> It will prefer booting from sdcard so it's easy to try other distros
[04:15:23] <timemachine> ahh good to hear that they are using manjaro. I saw a lot of compaints about the version of the kernal in debian stable vs the network card.
[04:19:52] <michel> The new batch of pinephone will use manjaro too. But hear mobian works really well too
[16:03:03] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:36:23] <wholesomedonut> Cool that booting from SD is easy. That definitely enables my latent distro hopping habits
[17:40:45] <felix> :D
[18:20:51] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[18:53:45] anton is now known as records
[18:54:01] records is now known as anton
[22:03:06] -!- anton has quit [Client exited]
[22:22:55] -!- aravk has quit [Connection closed]
[22:23:28] -!- aravk [aravk!~aravk@] has joined #ctrl-c