#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-09-29

[06:46:33] -!- hyperreal2 [hyperreal2!thelounge@envs.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[06:48:45] -!- hyperreal2 [hyperreal2!thelounge@envs.net] has parted #ctrl-c
[06:49:44] hyperreal is now known as Guest31187
[06:57:21] -!- Guest31187 has quit [quit: ZNC 1.7.2+deb3 - https://znc.in]
[12:51:55] -!- He1rball [He1rball!~h3lix@pool-108-18-208-207.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[13:14:35] <timemachine> Happy tuesday. I'm already starting to run out of steam this week.
[14:57:22] <aravk> aren't we all timemachine
[14:57:44] <timemachine> lol
[14:58:36] <timemachine> Makefiles treat symbolic links horribly... its correct, but it's horrible.
[15:01:14] <aravk> really?
[15:01:24] <aravk> I've not tried symbolic links with Makefiles
[15:01:26] <aravk> how bad is it
[15:50:29] <timemachine> aravk: make uses the mtime on the file for dependancy comparison. Therefore, the mtime of the symbolic link is the mtime of the target, not the link its self. Which is an issue if you only want to create the link if it doesn't exist... the link will always have the same mtime of its dependancy, causing a rebuild/error.
[15:50:50] <aravk> oof
[15:51:22] <aravk> I guess that means it's missing a way to specify that you want to deal with the symbolic itself and not what it points to
[15:51:31] <timemachine> right
[16:04:11] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:51:54] <aravk> hi felix
[16:52:28] <felix> Hello!
[16:53:49] <felix> What's new?
[16:57:07] -!- nikita [nikita!nikita@tilde.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:00:45] <felix> o/
[17:05:48] <aravk> not much
[17:05:58] <aravk> actually having fun programming
[17:06:07] <felix> Awesome!
[17:06:14] <aravk> you?
[17:06:38] <felix> Only managed a little web design today. People were *so* chatty.
[17:06:59] <aravk> well, got to do both sometime
[17:07:09] <aravk> some days will be more web design, others will be more chatty
[17:07:14] <felix> :D
[17:07:35] <aravk> both are enjoyable so it doesn't matter :)
[17:08:42] <felix> Dunno about that.
[17:09:12] <aravk> web design boring?
[17:10:17] <felix> On the contrary, and unlike chatter, leaves something behind.
[17:37:42] -!- Sario528 has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[17:54:36] -!- Sario528 [Sario528!sid356235@charlton.irccloud.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:56:39] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]