#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-10-06

[00:14:22] <timemachine> o/ hello!
[01:11:24] <calamitous> Howdy :)
[01:13:34] <timemachine> Hi calamitous, how's your evening?
[05:35:46] <rmg> What's the Gemini client? I want to see what felix made.
[10:56:39] -!- ziggys has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[13:14:32] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:20:11] <calamitous> timemachine: Doing well, thanks for asking :) How about yourself?
[14:21:21] <felix> o/
[14:21:31] <calamitous> rmg: bombadillo is installed. Some folks have compiled different ones. If there's any interest in getting some other browsers on the server, let me know and I'll see if we can get them installed.
[14:21:35] <calamitous> \o
[14:23:46] <felix> TFW your recent experience with a tilde account helps you set up shop on a server for a job.
[14:25:35] <felix> More on topic, on my machine I replaced Bombadillo with Amfora after a while.
[14:25:42] <felix> But Bombadillo's fine too.
[14:55:02] <calamitous> Nice! That's great to hear, about your job :)
[14:55:08] <calamitous> I'll take a look at amfora
[14:55:30] <felix> It's very colorful!
[14:56:13] <felix> And thanks. It's not the same, having a Linux desktop at your fingertips.
[17:58:32] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[19:42:18] <timemachine> Hi everyone.
[19:43:19] <timemachine> calamitous: I'm doing great. My event source refactoring is allowing me to take 20+ line controller functions and reduce them to 4.
[19:43:41] <timemachine> always a good day when you can delete some code.
[20:00:32] anton is now known as god
[20:01:16] god is now known as anton
[20:04:54] <calamitous> Deleting code is my favorite pastime :D
[21:43:15] -!- graftark [graftark!graftark@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c