#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-11-01

[00:06:51] <timemachine> o/
[00:27:51] <timemachine> updating software is always a chore...
[01:10:20] -!- lovetocode999 has quit [Client exited]
[01:10:50] -!- lovetocode999 [lovetocode999!lovetocode9@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[01:20:38] <timemachine> oh and Happy Halloween
[02:40:20] -!- kiedtl|ltbx [kiedtl|ltbx!kiedtl@tilde.team] has joined #ctrl-c
[02:40:25] -!- kiedtl|ltbx has quit [Connection closed]
[02:44:36] -!- lovetocode999 has quit [Client exited]
[02:44:39] -!- lovetocode999 [lovetocode999!lovetocode9@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[02:44:49] -!- lovetocode999 has quit [Client exited]
[02:44:54] -!- lovetocode999 [lovetocode999!lovetocode9@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[02:46:00] -!- lovetocode999 has quit [Client exited]
[02:46:12] -!- lovetocode999 [lovetocode999!lovetocode9@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[02:46:18] -!- lovetocode999 has quit [Client exited]
[02:46:41] -!- lovetocode999 [lovetocode999!lovetocode9@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[02:46:44] -!- lovetocode999 has quit [Client exited]
[02:46:47] -!- lovetocode999 [lovetocode999!lovetocode9@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[04:07:01] -!- perrierjouet has quit [quit: WeeChat 2.9]
[04:21:08] -!- perrierjouet [perrierjouet!~perrierjou@modemcable012.251-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ctrl-c
[08:33:44] -!- premek [premek!~Srain@] has joined #ctrl-c
[10:59:39] -!- joyager [joyager!joyager@user-5-173-42-93.play-internet.pl] has joined #ctrl-c
[11:19:31] -!- joyager has quit [quit: https://web.tilde.chat - thelounge]
[11:21:16] -!- joyager [joyager!joyager@user-5-173-42-93.play-internet.pl] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:49:16] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:56:50] <lovetocode999> Good morning
[14:58:49] <felix> Hello!
[15:00:04] <felix> How are you?
[15:02:16] -!- perrierjouet has quit [quit: WeeChat 2.9]
[15:02:21] <lovetocode999> I'm pretty good, what about you?
[15:02:28] <felix> Not bad either!
[15:03:05] <lovetocode999> Yesterday, were there more game jams you were going to list before I left?
[15:03:15] <felix> Not really.
[15:03:28] <lovetocode999> Ok, so I didn't miss anything
[15:03:30] <lovetocode999> Good
[15:03:53] <felix> I'd have waited for you.
[15:04:30] <lovetocode999> Thanks
[15:05:06] <lovetocode999> I didn't get back on for the most of the rest of the day after I left
[15:05:40] <felix> You probably have a life, not like me. ;)
[15:05:52] <lovetocode999> Yes, I do :)
[15:05:59] <lovetocode999> Why don't you?
[15:06:16] * felix shrugs
[15:06:19] <lovetocode999> Lol
[15:06:45] <lovetocode999> How do you send messages like that?
[15:07:16] <felix> With /me
[15:07:23] * lovetocode999 test
[15:07:26] <lovetocode999> Oh, cool
[15:07:29] <lovetocode999> Thanks!
[15:07:42] <felix> New to IRC?
[15:07:48] <lovetocode999> Yes, I am
[15:08:18] <lovetocode999> Although, I'm not new to WeeChat because I've been using it for a long time to access other online accounts
[15:09:56] <lovetocode999> I am not very good at conversation...
[15:12:21] <lovetocode999> What programming languages do you like to use?
[15:15:47] <lovetocode999> I have to go now, talk to you later!
[15:16:34] * felix waves!
[15:50:21] -!- joyager has quit [quit: https://web.tilde.chat - thelounge]
[16:28:19] -!- rptr [rptr!~rptr@] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:28:52] <felix> o/
[16:38:42] <justus> \o
[16:39:45] <felix> Oh, you're here!
[16:43:50] <justus> Here I am
[16:44:55] <felix> How's your day?
[16:45:56] <justus> It's good. I moved to Canada three days ago. And now I'm applying for a Senior Server Admin position, whichi is scary.
[16:45:59] <justus> How's your day?
[16:49:58] <felix> A lot calmer!
[16:50:24] <felix> Best of luck with the job, and the move in general.
[16:51:02] <justus> Thank you! The move is really exciting. My wife and I have been long distance for over five years, and this means we're finally living together.
[16:53:31] <felix> Oh, nice!
[16:54:59] <felix> Guess it's too early to ask how you find the country.
[16:55:23] <felix> Outside of frozen. :P
[16:56:01] <justus> I moved from Northern Minnesota, so pretty similar climate :)
[16:56:13] <justus> Only moved about an hour and a half
[16:56:41] <justus> And I have to quarantine inside for two weeks, so I'm not able to go outside and enjoy the frozen landscape anyway
[16:57:13] <felix> Oh, fair enough.
[16:58:12] <justus> But I've spent plenty of time here over the past years anyway. It's fine. I like it.
[16:58:19] <justus> Where do you live?
[17:07:49] <felix> Romania.
[17:07:55] <felix> Sorry, something happened.
[17:08:25] <felix> Autumn came early here too, but not *that* quickly.
[17:08:52] <felix> Got friends on both sides of the border you just crossed. :)
[17:15:32] <justus> Ah, nice. I don't know a lot about Romania, but I am curious
[17:15:57] <justus> I used to work with a Cisco engineer from Romania. He was extremely smart and a bit of an asshole. Not sure if that's representative of Romanians in general :)
[17:24:38] <felix> That's representative of tech. ;)
[17:24:59] <felix> But Canadians are famously nice. We probably seem rude in comparison.
[17:26:13] <justus> Haha, that is absolutely a good point felix
[17:26:20] <justus> That is def representative of tech
[17:29:03] <felix> So you're a sysadmin?
[17:42:14] <justus> I was, yeah. Three years ago I left my sysadmin position and took a job as "the IT guy" for a small nonprofit when I moved to Minnesota to be closer to my wife. Looking to get back into the field now.
[17:43:06] <felix> Sounds good!
[18:07:07] <justus> Felix what's your field?
[18:07:57] <felix> Programming. I was in webdev for the longest time.
[18:08:42] <felix> I can manage a Linux box at a basic level, but running a tilde, not so sure.
[19:19:38] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[19:23:43] <thecomputergeek> Hi
[19:46:35] <kiedtl> sup
[19:53:21] <thecomputergeek> now a lot
[19:53:23] <thecomputergeek> you?
[19:53:25] <thecomputergeek> s/now/not
[19:54:29] -!- perrierjouet [perrierjouet!~perrierjou@modemcable012.251-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ctrl-c
[21:06:31] -!- kiedtl has quit [quit: <Esc>:wq!<Ret>]
[21:07:13] -!- kiedtl [kiedtl!spacehare@tilde.town] has joined #ctrl-c
[22:37:06] -!- justus has quit [quit: WeeChat 2.9]
[22:47:12] -!- lovetocode999 [lovetocode999!lovetocode9@ctrl-c.club] has parted #ctrl-c
[22:47:19] -!- lovetocode999 [lovetocode999!lovetocode9@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[23:21:12] -!- premek has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]