#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-11-29

[00:25:43] -!- t420 [t420!~yuujin@softbank126069242157.bbtec.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[03:27:49] <timemachine> Statements and Functions ... I'm almost ready to make a REPL.
[07:43:08] -!- t420 has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[07:44:30] -!- t420 [t420!~yuujin@softbank126069242157.bbtec.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[08:01:35] -!- t420 has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[13:32:26] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[13:37:29] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[13:38:21] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[13:45:23] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[13:48:47] -!- bhh [bhh!~mika-teika@] has joined #ctrl-c
[13:48:57] -!- bhh has quit [quit: i'll probably be back soon]
[15:54:28] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:59:22] <lovetocode999> o/
[16:03:51] <felix> Hello!
[16:04:28] <lovetocode999> How are you today?
[16:05:06] <felix> Eeh. You?
[16:05:54] <lovetocode999> I am prtty good today!
[16:06:11] <lovetocode999> Why eeh?
[16:13:16] <felix> Not sure. It's ups and downs all the time lately.
[16:14:05] <felix> Glad to hear about your Sunday!
[16:15:07] <lovetocode999> Thanks!
[16:16:47] <lovetocode999> Looks like I have to eat breakfast, and I probably won't be back on here for several hours.
[16:16:58] <lovetocode999> So, goodbye!
[16:21:03] <felix> o/
[16:56:45] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:56:56] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[17:11:14] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:18:09] <felix> \o
[17:40:27] <lovetocode999> I am back, for a few minutes
[17:46:14] <felix> Yay!
[17:46:40] <felix> Any fun plans for today?
[17:53:13] <lovetocode999> Not really, tis mostly a normal Sunday for me. What about you?
[18:03:46] <felix> Give another chance to X11 Basic on Android.
[18:06:54] -!- alma has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[18:07:12] -!- Absalom has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[18:39:42] <timemachine> hello
[18:53:45] <felix> O hai!
[18:54:16] <timemachine> How's Android Basic?
[18:56:11] <timemachine> I'm working on a project you might find intresting, felix. A parser/transpiler for basic. I'm still working on the parser but I think the first output language will be JS to see if I can get it to run in the browser.
[18:56:46] <felix> Ooh, sounds interesting! There used to be a Basic for the browser, possibly more, but that was long ago.
[18:57:01] <felix> And it's not a Basic for Android, it's a port from Linux.
[18:57:17] <timemachine> OIC.
[18:57:27] <felix> Emulates a terminal, and a graphics display.
[18:57:56] <felix> I got a poor idea the first time, a few years ago, 'cause I tried on a phone.
[18:58:12] <felix> A cheap one with a very low-res screen.
[19:12:03] <timemachine> xwindows: BTW, that Ctrl-SysRq-R tricked worked!
[19:19:48] <timemachine> I love finding nuggets like this in my journal: `Out of memory: Killed process 9070 (chromium) total-vm:8196404kB,` ... 8Gb. *shakes head*
[19:21:07] <felix> Isn't it.
[19:25:19] <felix> Anyway, see you!
[19:26:49] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[19:43:26] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[21:38:34] -!- perrierjouet has quit [quit: WeeChat 2.9]
[21:54:58] -!- perrierjouet [perrierjouet!~perrierjou@modemcable012.251-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ctrl-c
[22:51:02] -!- perrierjouet has quit [quit: WeeChat 2.9]
[22:57:28] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[23:05:28] <lovetocode999> o/
[23:12:39] <gavodavo> \o
[23:13:08] <lovetocode999> How are you?
[23:22:29] <gavodavo> Very good, playing Smash rn
[23:25:51] <lovetocode999> Nice