#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-11-30

[00:01:48] -!- perrierjouet [perrierjouet!~perrierjou@modemcable012.251-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ctrl-c
[01:08:53] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[02:42:40] -!- flamwenco has quit [quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat]
[02:43:39] -!- flamwenco [flamwenco!~flamwenco@static.] has joined #ctrl-c
[02:44:02] -!- flamwenco has quit [quit: The Lounge - https://thelounge.chat]
[10:42:18] -!- perrierjouet has quit [quit: WeeChat 2.9]
[11:26:54] -!- perrierjouet [perrierjouet!~perrierjou@modemcable012.251-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ctrl-c
[11:36:15] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[12:50:29] -!- alma [alma!alma@thunix.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[12:50:58] -!- Absalom [Absalom!znc@thunix.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:18:24] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:08:11] <robertp> good morning from southern california
[17:11:34] <felix> Hi.
[17:11:51] <lovetocode999> Good morning from Colorado
[17:16:50] <felix> :D
[17:19:27] <lovetocode999> How are you today?
[17:21:06] <felix> Meh. You?
[17:22:12] <lovetocode999> I am pretty good. If you don't mind me asking, why meh?
[17:28:42] * felix shrugs.
[17:37:06] -!- gavodavo has quit [A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.]
[17:53:56] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[18:15:14] -!- frigginglorious [frigginglorious!~Thunderbir@024-181-168-084.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[18:48:49] <robertp> i've been in a bit of a slump/meh period lately. kind of existential questioning i guess. i read a bunch of random things over the long weekend, like follow-your-nose style, and started to get excited again
[18:49:40] <robertp> part of it is this - i have probably another 15 years in front of me doing technology. what do i want to do over that time? is there anything i want to achieve, like goals?
[18:49:54] <robertp> i'm starting to figure it out i guess
[18:52:31] <felix> Right.
[19:22:40] <felix> Well, see you.
[19:24:23] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[20:33:53] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[21:21:19] -!- ngp has quit [Client exited]
[21:23:10] -!- ngp [ngp!~ngp@] has joined #ctrl-c