#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-12-02

[01:17:09] -!- frigginglorious has quit [Connection closed]
[08:33:11] <rmg> timemachine: calamitous: Yes. I am talking about markers when reading the posts of a topic.
[11:41:51] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[13:38:19] <lovetocode999> Welcome, fleg!
[13:38:28] <fleg> hello, lovetocode999!
[13:39:49] <lovetocode999> What are you thinking of Ctrl-C thus far?
[13:39:57] <fleg> I really love iris
[13:40:38] <fleg> it's a bit similar to what I wanted to build for ham radio, but never gotten around to it after making the first 20% or so of it
[13:40:45] <fleg> and iris actually works :D
[13:40:53] <lovetocode999> :D
[13:41:33] <lovetocode999> Iris is an amazing little piece of software, isn't it?
[13:42:01] <lovetocode999> What is ham radio?
[13:42:33] <fleg> amateur radio
[13:42:56] <lovetocode999> Cool
[13:43:00] <fleg> basically a hobby where you get certain frequencies shared with other hobbyists and play on them
[13:43:15] <lovetocode999> Sounds fun!
[13:43:45] <lovetocode999> What time zone do you live in?
[13:44:16] <fleg> UTC +1, Berlin/Warsaw timezone
[13:45:08] <lovetocode999> Cool, I live in UTC-7, in Colorado
[13:48:41] <fleg> Poland here
[13:56:22] <lovetocode999> Oh, cool! One of the great things about this tilde is we have people all over the world!
[13:56:44] <lovetocode999> Well, in my opinion it is great ;)
[14:25:11] <fleg> that's great about the Internet in general if one's willing to get out of the silos which keep you in your bubble ;)
[14:26:16] <fleg> a lot of people like ham radio for the same reason, as they're able to talk with people from far away (but that depends on many factors). But I guess that was way more impressive before the internet got mainstream
[14:26:35] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:57:36] <timemachine> o/
[15:00:02] <felix> Hello!
[15:24:00] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[16:04:30] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:24:54] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[16:25:10] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[18:03:28] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[18:28:37] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[19:27:37] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[19:40:11] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[19:46:41] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[20:26:57] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[23:22:21] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[23:46:21] -!- gavodavo has quit [A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.]