#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-12-04

[09:27:52] -!- amcclure has quit [hub.tilde.chat town.tilde.chat]
[09:27:52] -!- kiedtl has quit [hub.tilde.chat town.tilde.chat]
[09:33:37] <jlj> TGIF!
[09:38:59] <fleg> hello
[09:39:39] * jlj waves
[09:40:05] <jlj> AFK for a mo: coooooffee
[09:50:56] <fleg> neat, I'm still drinking mine, it's ~3 hours old, just as I like it
[09:51:05] * fleg doesn't need for the coffee to actually be hot
[10:15:59] -!- kiedtl [kiedtl!spacehare@tilde.town] has joined #ctrl-c
[10:15:59] -!- amcclure [amcclure!amcclure@tilde.town] has joined #ctrl-c
[10:21:34] <jlj> M'm, lovely. Smelled so good I had to make a second for my partner (and fill up my boy's glass of milk, twice, and cuddle his sister about seven times...).
[10:21:54] <jlj> Working from home! Living the dream! :-D
[11:03:58] <fleg> I kinda miss working from the office lately
[11:04:27] <fleg> maybe watching The Office made me kinda miss the office talk and whatnot
[11:04:53] <fleg> I also miss bicycle commute every day
[11:21:41] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[11:40:29] <jlj> I'm with you, on the bike bit in particular. Got quite a lockdown tummy now. :-/
[12:04:39] <fleg> I still try to ride it from time to time, also have a stationary bike at home so I try to ride at least a few minutes every day
[12:05:07] <fleg> but it's far cry from the 100km I was able to ride suring the summer :/ I need to repeat this next year
[12:27:49] -!- Absalom has quit [quit: bouncer provider thunix.net]
[12:28:23] -!- Absalom [Absalom!znc@thunix.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[12:36:55] <jlj> Wow. Yeah, I need to get on our stationary bike more.
[13:07:11] <fleg> I don't kind myself that this 10-30 minutes almost daily changes anything, but at least it gives me hope :D
[15:37:43] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[15:43:57] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:47:53] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[16:21:00] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:21:09] <lovetocode999> o/
[16:21:19] <felix> Hello!
[16:21:28] <lovetocode999> How are you today?
[16:22:19] <felix> In a storytelling mood, and you?
[16:22:59] <lovetocode999> I am well! What story are you in the mood of telling?
[16:29:21] <felix> Eh, just a silly bit of weird fiction.
[16:29:35] <felix> Mostly it's just better than nothing.
[16:30:23] <lovetocode999> I like weird fiction
[16:31:49] <lovetocode999> Although, 'weird' is slightly arbitrary, since different people think differently about what constitutes 'weird'.
[16:32:45] <felix> I use it in the common publishing sense, fantasy or science-fantasy that's not the usual kind with elves and swords.
[16:35:28] <lovetocode999> What does it have, then?
[16:36:50] <felix> It depends.
[16:37:06] <felix> Un Lun Dun for example has *really* weird stuff.
[16:37:25] <felix> That's the whole point. Whatever makes sense for *your* story.
[16:38:26] <lovetocode999> Ok!
[16:44:23] <felix> TVTropes appears to call it New Weird, but doesn't list my favorite examples, so maybe I'm on the wrong page: https://tvtropes.org
[16:52:51] <lovetocode999> Interesting... What are your favorite examples?
[16:57:38] <felix> Mostly just the one I mentioned. TVTropes says Brandon Sanderson's books also qualify.
[16:58:15] <felix> But they strike me as plain old fantasy with some details changed.
[16:58:29] <felix> Mainly just carefully contrived magic systems.
[17:02:08] <lovetocode999> Ok!
[17:10:09] <felix> Sorry, I was a bookworm before I was a programmer.
[17:12:29] <lovetocode999> No problem! I still very much am a bookworm, so I find all of this very interesting! ;)
[17:14:04] <fleg> oh well, time to sink into TvTropes for the next few hours I guess
[17:14:52] <felix> :D
[17:16:48] <robertp> interesting - jeff vandermeer is the only new weird author i'm familiar with (well dan simmons also i guess)
[17:18:14] <robertp> in an intro to his book Carrion Comfort (i think? i seem to remember that) dan simmons talks about his history. apparently he wanted to do horror but had a bad interaction with a mover-and-shaker in horror publishing
[17:18:31] <robertp> so he switched to scifi because he thought he'd be blacklisted, ish
[17:19:20] <felix> I'm not familiar with any of these names. :)
[17:19:33] <felix> But yeah, all sorts of drama happens in that world.
[17:19:53] <robertp> that's too bad
[17:20:10] <robertp> just like tech i guess
[17:20:12] <felix> Lots of authors out there. ;)
[17:23:59] <robertp> indeed
[18:10:30] <lovetocode999> What is your favorite book, and favorite author?
[18:34:34] <felix> Hard to say. I like a bunch. Even a couple of classics.
[18:35:08] <felix> Caves of Steel by Asimov and Double Star by Heinlein, for one.
[18:35:26] <felix> But more recently, The Romulan Way by Diane Duane blew my mind.
[18:36:06] <felix> Damn. Never saw the parallels before.
[18:36:35] <felix> People becoming someone else is one of my favorite tropes.
[18:36:53] <felix> How about you?
[18:53:12] <robertp> i think my all time favorite book is probably Dune
[18:53:25] <robertp> a runner up is The Library At Mount Char
[18:53:39] <robertp> https://www.goodreads.com
[18:53:49] <robertp> just outstanding. written by a unix sysadmin :)
[18:54:41] <robertp> i wish he'd write some more fiction
[19:04:41] <lovetocode999> My favorite book is The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart, and he is also my favorite author
[19:04:53] <felix> Never heard of either!
[19:05:43] <lovetocode999> And I, in turn, have not heard of the books you mentioned
[19:08:48] <felix> Lots of authors out there. ;)
[19:10:02] <lovetocode999> Yes, there are many :)
[19:10:25] <lovetocode999> Looks like I have to go, talk to you later!
[19:10:28] <felix> But if you liked The Mysterious Benedict Society, maybe try So You Want to Be a Wizard, by Diane Duane. It's a quarter of a century older, but still good.
[19:10:35] <felix> Bye!
[19:12:53] <felix> I have to go too, in fact.
[19:20:58] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[20:41:44] -!- WakSter [WakSter!~WakSter@] has joined #ctrl-c
[20:41:57] -!- sorcier [sorcier!~Sorcier@] has joined #ctrl-c
[20:46:33] <WakSter> Attention to the owner of the logging bot "MasterdonX", remove your bot now, stop logging every god damn ircs...
[20:46:39] <WakSter> Thank you in advance.
[20:47:41] -!- sorcier has quit [Client exited]
[20:48:24] -!- WakSter [WakSter!~WakSter@] has parted #ctrl-c
[20:55:26] -!- FuckMasterdonX [FuckMasterdonX!~FuckMaster@195-154-105-157.rev.poneytelecom.eu] has joined #ctrl-c
[20:55:43] <FuckMasterdonX> Salut
[20:55:47] <FuckMasterdonX> MasterdonX ?
[21:11:49] -!- WakSter [WakSter!~WakSter@] has joined #ctrl-c
[21:14:05] <FuckMasterdonX> Bien le bonjour mon cher WakSter
[21:14:20] <WakSter> Wak Wak
[21:15:01] <WakSter> Remove MasterdonX
[21:15:04] <WakSter> LogBot
[21:15:09] <FuckMasterdonX> fuck
[21:15:11] <WakSter> I will complai
[21:15:32] <FuckMasterdonX> LogBot :D
[21:15:46] <FuckMasterdonX> aniway
[21:25:57] FuckMasterdonX is now known as MasterdonX
[21:26:06] MasterdonX is now known as FuckMasterDonX
[21:35:34] -!- pine [pine!~pine@] has joined #ctrl-c
[21:35:46] <FuckMasterDonX> o/
[21:35:50] <FuckMasterDonX> o/
[21:35:54] <FuckMasterDonX> \o
[21:35:55] <FuckMasterDonX> \o
[21:35:58] <FuckMasterDonX> .dance
[21:44:36] -!- FuckMasterDonX has quit [G-lined: self-admitted troll]
[22:02:10] -!- WakSter has quit [Client exited]
[22:22:47] -!- pine has quit [Connection closed]
[23:29:07] <lovetocode999> q
[23:29:09] -!- lovetocode999 [lovetocode999!lovetocode9@ctrl-c.club] has parted #ctrl-c
[23:29:17] -!- lovetocode999 [lovetocode999!lovetocode9@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c