#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-12-25

[00:16:17] <calamitous> Hey all! We have some new policies for the new year:
[00:16:20] <calamitous> Web: http://ctrl-c.club
[00:16:22] <calamitous> Gemini: gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club
[00:16:24] <calamitous> Text: /var/notices/system_notice.txt
[00:16:34] <calamitous> Check it out, and feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. Thanks!
[00:22:08] <xfnw> whats wrong with eggdrop?
[00:22:24] <xfnw> are other irc bots like bitbot and limnoria allowed?
[00:22:38] <lovetocode999> Tis explained in the long version
[00:23:20] <xfnw> wheres the long version?
[00:24:23] <lovetocode999> gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club
[00:54:07] <lovetocode999> calamitous: Will the new server be a newer version of Ubuntu?
[00:58:12] <xwindows> Hey ^C...
[00:59:37] <xwindows> I'm curious about the "What's everyone been up to?" on the ^C homepage: how would a member get their activity shown there?
[01:07:18] <lovetocode999> By posting about it on iris ;)
[01:07:45] <lovetocode999> At least, that's how my script got on there
[01:11:17] <xwindows> An internal board? Okay. (At first I thought ^C displays users' `~/.plan` file or something)
[07:12:53] <fleg> new rules seem cool
[07:14:07] <fleg> lovetocode999: my understanding is that only eggdrop is banned, but I don't know if I'm not missing something
[07:14:19] <fleg> and other bots are allowed
[07:14:44] * fleg has an own irc bot on the todo list
[13:54:00] <lovetocode999> Merry Christmas everyone!
[14:04:55] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:04:59] <lovetocode999> o/
[14:05:04] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[14:05:10] <lovetocode999> :/
[14:45:25] -!- perrierjouet has quit [quit: WeeChat 3.0]
[15:00:33] -!- perrierjouet [perrierjouet!~perrierjou@modemcable012.251-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:03:35] -!- perrierjouet has quit [quit: WeeChat 3.0]
[15:07:04] -!- perrierjouet [perrierjouet!~perrierjou@modemcable012.251-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:44:24] <fleg> thanks, and merry christmas to you too, lovetocode999 !
[16:44:46] <lovetocode999> Thanks!
[17:33:24] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[19:22:54] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[22:56:26] -!- perrierjouet has quit [quit: WeeChat 3.0]
[23:51:11] -!- perrierjouet [perrierjouet!~perrierjou@modemcable012.251-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ctrl-c