#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-12-29

[01:14:58] -!- capheind_ [capheind_!capheind@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[01:16:19] -!- capheind_ has quit [Client exited]
[03:39:13] -!- kiedtl|lurch_ [kiedtl|lurch_!kiedtl@tilde.team] has joined #ctrl-c
[03:39:45] kiedtl|lurch_ is now known as kiedtl|lurch
[05:24:21] -!- ogrona [ogrona!~ogrona@dynamic-077-006-166-140.77.6.pool.telefonica.de] has joined #ctrl-c
[06:06:54] -!- ogrona has quit [A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.]
[12:35:52] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[12:58:15] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[15:25:04] -!- jlj [jlj!jlj@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:30:18] -!- jlj has quit [Client exited]
[15:38:04] -!- jlj [jlj!jlj@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:45:03] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:57:52] <lovetocode999> o/
[16:58:42] <felix> Hello!
[16:58:51] <felix> How are you?
[16:59:10] <lovetocode999> Great! How are you?
[17:01:04] <felix> Pretty good too!
[17:01:34] <felix> Got a few things done today, and wrote a good amount.
[17:01:40] <lovetocode999> Nice!
[17:03:28] <lovetocode999> I've been experimenting with music: https://ttm.sh
[17:05:23] <felix> Oh, nice!
[17:07:13] <lovetocode999> Thanks!
[17:07:21] <lovetocode999> What have you been writing?
[17:07:52] <felix> The same novella.
[17:08:07] <lovetocode999> I see!
[17:09:00] <felix> These take time, especially at the pace I've been keeping.
[17:12:01] <lovetocode999> Makes sense
[17:14:39] <lovetocode999> It snowed here yesterday afternoon: https://ttm.sh
[17:14:56] <ben> sorry to hear that
[17:14:58] <ben> lol
[17:16:43] <lovetocode999> Sorry?!?
[17:16:46] <lovetocode999> I love snow!!!
[17:16:48] <lovetocode999> =D
[17:16:54] <lovetocode999> Lol
[17:17:08] <ben> oh lol well then
[17:17:17] <felix> So much snow!
[17:17:36] <lovetocode999> Yes, 'tis amazing! :D
[17:17:41] <ben> luckily we haven't gotten much this year so far
[17:17:58] <lovetocode999> What part of the world do you live in, ben?
[17:18:01] <ben> michigan
[17:18:04] <ben> ,w
[17:18:10] <ben> oh is tildebot not here?
[17:18:17] <lovetocode999> Nope
[17:18:24] <lovetocode999> Unfortunately
[17:19:00] -!- tildebot [tildebot!ben@tilde.chat] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:19:05] <lovetocode999> Oh, cool!
[17:19:07] <ben> ,w
[17:19:07] <tildebot> [03Weather] (ben) Marquette, Michigan, United States of America | -10C/13F | Scattered Clouds | Humidity: 58% | Wind: 3.2km/h (2.0mi/h)
[17:19:13] <ben> oh wow it warmed up a bit
[17:19:19] <ben> it was 2F earlier this morning
[17:19:38] <lovetocode999> Oh, cold
[17:19:50] <lovetocode999> ,w
[17:19:51] <tildebot> [03Weather] (lovetocode999) Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States of America | 0C/32F | Clear Sky | Humidity: 40% | Wind: 16.6km/h (10.3mi/h)
[17:20:01] <ben> ah nice
[17:21:21] <lovetocode999> Do you manage the tildebot, ben?
[17:21:26] <ben> yeah
[17:21:39] <lovetocode999> Cool
[17:37:27] -!- roswold [roswold!~corey@068-186-137-214.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:37:37] <lovetocode999> o/
[17:38:44] <felix> Hello!
[17:39:29] -!- roswold [roswold!~corey@068-186-137-214.res.spectrum.com] has parted #ctrl-c
[17:39:37] <robertp> morning all, i hope your christmases were great! it's about 57F here now, we should reach a high of 62F
[17:39:52] <robertp> balmy for some of you, but for us it is chilly :)
[17:40:36] <lovetocode999> My Christmas was most definitely great!
[17:41:12] <felix> Mine was quiet!
[17:41:31] <lovetocode999> Oooh, nice
[17:41:33] <robertp> excellent! mine was nice, having some time off is wonderful. quiet and relaxing.
[17:41:45] <lovetocode999> Mine was not quiet, as I have 5 younger siblings
[17:41:51] <felix> Whoa.
[17:41:51] <robertp> wow
[17:42:10] <robertp> i would think it is never quiet :)
[17:42:34] <lovetocode999> It is on rare occasions ;)
[17:43:02] <lovetocode999> For example, right now it is snowy out, so most of them are playing outside
[17:43:04] <lovetocode999> https://ttm.sh
[17:43:48] <robertp> that looks nice. i haven't been in snow for years
[17:43:49] <lovetocode999> ,w robertp
[17:43:50] <tildebot> [04Weather] Unknown location
[17:43:56] <lovetocode999> Oh, that is sad
[17:43:59] <robertp> oh :(
[17:44:04] <robertp> santa barbara
[17:44:26] <lovetocode999> Oh, I see
[17:44:37] <lovetocode999> My dad grew up in California
[17:44:44] <lovetocode999> I don't know what part, though
[17:44:54] <robertp> it's a looooooong state
[17:45:14] <lovetocode999> Yes, it is
[17:45:59] <lovetocode999> I'm in Colorado Springs
[17:46:04] <lovetocode999> ,location
[17:46:07] <lovetocode999> Drat
[17:46:13] <lovetocode999> I hoped that would be a command
[17:46:17] <robertp> i've been there, quite a while ago, once
[17:46:26] <lovetocode999> Cool
[17:46:39] <lovetocode999> 'Tis becoming a pretty sizable city
[17:46:49] <robertp> to work with a warehousing company, integrating their info systems with a logistics company
[17:47:52] <Sario|IRCCloud> ,c u location New Orleans, La
[17:47:54] <tildebot> [03Config] Config 'location' unchanged
[17:48:14] <lovetocode999> robertp: I see
[17:48:43] <robertp> i'm hoping to get some reading/learning in this week, as i'm on holiday
[17:49:07] <lovetocode999> Nice!
[17:49:18] <robertp> nomad/consul, bazel build system, maybe some swagger, maybe play with some python ORMs
[17:53:38] <robertp> ,c u location Santa Barbara, CA
[17:53:39] <tildebot> [03Config] Config 'location' set to {'timezone': 'America/Toronto', 'lat': 45.5361933, 'lon': -73.6077401, 'name': 'Montreal, Quebec, Canada'}
[17:53:46] <robertp> uh oh
[17:53:49] <robertp> ,c u location Santa Barbara, Ca
[17:53:50] <tildebot> [03Config] Config 'location' unchanged
[17:54:22] <robertp> oh tzdata maybe
[17:54:56] <robertp> ,c u location America/Los_Angeles
[17:54:57] <tildebot> [03Config] Config 'location' set to {'timezone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'lat': 40.7654237, 'lon': -119.2861022, 'name': 'Nevada, United States of America'}
[17:55:08] <robertp> ,w
[17:55:08] <tildebot> [03Weather] (robertp) Nevada, United States of America | -1C/30F | Clear Sky | Humidity: 59% | Wind: 4.8km/h (3.0mi/h)
[17:55:11] <robertp> nevada?
[17:55:14] <lovetocode999> Lol
[17:55:20] <lovetocode999> ,c u location Colorado Springs
[17:55:22] <tildebot> [03Config] Config 'location' unchanged
[17:55:33] <robertp> ,c u location Santa Barbara
[17:55:34] <tildebot> [03Config] Config 'location' set to {'timezone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'lat': 34.4221319, 'lon': -119.7026673, 'name': 'Santa Barbara, California, United States of America'}
[17:55:37] <robertp> heyo
[17:55:40] <robertp> ,w
[17:55:40] <tildebot> [03Weather] (robertp) Santa Barbara, California, United States of America | 10C/51F | Clear Sky | Humidity: 93% | Wind: 7.4km/h (4.6mi/h)
[17:55:51] <lovetocode999> *applause*
[18:30:24] <felix> You know we have a problem when in the dead of winter it's warmer here than in California.
[18:33:59] <lovetocode999> ,w felix
[18:34:01] <tildebot> [03Weather] Andalusia, Spain | 12C/54F | Few Clouds | Humidity: 68% | Wind: 3.6km/h (2.2mi/h)
[18:34:24] <lovetocode999> Huh
[18:34:45] <felix> Dunno where the bot is looking for us, but it seems to need work.
[18:35:08] <lovetocode999> What is your actual location?
[18:36:26] -!- jlj has quit [Client exited]
[18:36:40] <felix> Bucharest, Romania.
[18:36:56] <lovetocode999> I see
[18:37:03] <felix> Sounds about right for today, except in Spain it's probably normal.
[18:37:12] <lovetocode999> Try ,c u location Bucharest
[18:37:21] <felix> Meh.
[18:45:30] <calamitous> ,w
[18:45:30] <tildebot> [04Weather] calamitous: Please set location, e.g.: ,config calamitous location London, GB
[18:45:47] <calamitous> ,c u location Kansas City
[18:45:48] <tildebot> [03Config] Config 'location' set to {'timezone': 'America/Chicago', 'lat': 39.100105, 'lon': -94.5781416, 'name': 'Kansas City, Missouri, United States of America'}
[18:45:54] <calamitous> ,w
[18:45:54] <tildebot> [03Weather] (calamitous) Kansas City, Missouri, United States of America | 0C/31F | Mist | Humidity: 92% | Wind: 20.5km/h (12.8mi/h)
[18:46:58] <felix> :waves!
[19:08:16] -!- roswold [roswold!~corey@068-186-137-214.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[19:08:49] -!- roswold has quit [quit: leaving]
[19:17:05] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[20:00:02] -!- roswold [roswold!~corey@068-186-137-214.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[20:03:31] -!- roswold [roswold!~corey@068-186-137-214.res.spectrum.com] has parted #ctrl-c
[20:16:46] -!- roswold [roswold!~corey@068-186-137-214.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[20:17:07] -!- roswold [roswold!~corey@068-186-137-214.res.spectrum.com] has parted #ctrl-c
[20:24:50] -!- roswold [roswold!~corey@068-186-137-214.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[20:24:53] -!- roswold [roswold!~corey@068-186-137-214.res.spectrum.com] has parted #ctrl-c
[20:40:38] -!- jlj [jlj!jlj@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[21:26:01] -!- Absalom has quit [quit: bouncer provider thunix.net]
[21:37:56] <calamitous> o\
[21:38:12] <Sario|IRCCloud> \o
[21:38:51] <jlj> o7
[21:39:49] -!- corey [corey!~corey@068-186-137-214.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[21:40:01] -!- corey [corey!~corey@068-186-137-214.res.spectrum.com] has parted #ctrl-c
[21:42:51] -!- Absalom [Absalom!znc@thunix.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[21:46:39] -!- Absalom has quit [quit: bouncer provider thunix.net]
[21:49:27] -!- Absalom [Absalom!znc@thunix.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[22:58:28] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[23:08:51] -!- perrierjouet has quit [quit: WeeChat 3.0]