#ctrl-c | Logs for 2021-01-01

[00:39:46] -!- lovetocode999 has quit [Client exited]
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[05:12:06] <michel> Happy New Year, everyone on the east coast and further east!
[12:51:51] <jlj> HNY! :-)
[14:05:31] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:56:55] -!- lovetocode999 [lovetocode999!lovetocode9@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:57:44] <lovetocode999> Good morning everyone!
[14:58:06] -!- ogrona [ogrona!~ogrona@dynamic-077-006-043-001.77.6.pool.telefonica.de] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:59:33] <lovetocode999> o/
[15:00:23] <felix> Hello!
[15:00:28] <felix> Happy New Year!
[15:00:59] <lovetocode999> Happy New Year!
[15:02:40] <felix> How was the night?
[15:03:34] <lovetocode999> It was great!
[15:03:38] <lovetocode999> How was yours?
[15:04:21] <felix> Quiet, with good food and movies.
[15:04:41] <felix> Well, there were the fireworks too.
[15:04:49] <felix> Not that we can see much at all here.
[15:05:37] <lovetocode999> Nice!
[15:05:55] <lovetocode999> There were fireworks here, too, some of them really close!
[15:06:26] <lovetocode999> It didn't really get quiet until about 23:00, though ;)
[15:08:59] <felix> They ran out of fireworks an hour before midnight? :P
[15:10:20] <lovetocode999> No, I meant my siblings :P
[15:10:43] <lovetocode999> It got loud again shortly before midnight because of fireworks
[15:10:46] <lovetocode999> xD
[15:11:14] <felix> Heehee!
[15:11:27] <lovetocode999> What food did you have?
[15:12:47] <felix> A little chicken, a little salad, a little cake.
[15:13:03] <lovetocode999> Yum!
[15:13:20] <felix> Oh yes, very!
[15:13:40] <lovetocode999> We had mostly snacky foods: crackers, cheese, grapes, etc.
[15:13:53] <lovetocode999> We also had sushi
[15:14:13] <felix> Fun!
[15:14:40] <lovetocode999> Sushi has become kind of a tradition for us, ever since my uncle let us try some we have been having it every year for New Year's Eve ;)
[15:16:32] <lovetocode999> What movies did you watch?
[15:17:11] <felix> Oh, an old Romanian comedy, and ABBA: The Movie.
[15:19:18] <lovetocode999> Fun!
[15:20:57] <felix> Oh yes. It's scary to think that a movie as old as I am is now a historical document. Let alone an older one.
[15:27:40] <lovetocode999> Huh
[15:27:54] <lovetocode999> ,birthday felix
[15:27:54] <tildebot> [04Birthday] No birthday set for felix
[15:30:01] <felix> ABBA: The Movie is from 1977.
[15:30:47] <lovetocode999> Oh wow
[15:31:29] <felix> That's what I said!
[15:31:50] <lovetocode999> I wonder how long it will be before the movies made around the time I was born will be considered historical...
[15:32:02] <lovetocode999> Hopefully several years
[15:32:07] <lovetocode999> ,birthday
[15:32:08] <tildebot> [03Birthday] lovetocode999 is 17 in 146 days
[15:32:35] <felix> At the pace things change nowadays?
[15:34:00] <lovetocode999> Well, hopefully at least a few ;)
[15:35:27] <felix> Hopefully! I remember watching Revenge of the Sith and Batman Begins in theaters.
[15:35:44] <felix> By the time I got around to seeing Inception, theaters were dying out.
[15:36:11] <lovetocode999> So maybe theaters will be considered historical soon *gasp*
[15:37:36] <felix> After the pandemic? Probably. :(
[15:37:48] * lovetocode999 sighs sadly
[15:39:23] <lovetocode999> Well, look on the bright side: Maybe drive-in theaters will make a comeback!
[15:39:52] <felix> Good point! I have at least one friend who would love that.
[15:40:37] <lovetocode999> Do you like drive-in theaters?
[15:40:53] <felix> Never been to one. No such thing around here.
[15:41:17] <lovetocode999> Oh, sad
[15:49:31] <felix> So, any plans for the next days?
[15:50:02] <lovetocode999> Tonight I'm sleeping over at my maternal grandparents' house to celebrate Christmas
[15:50:36] <lovetocode999> Tomorrow we'll open gifts there
[15:50:54] <lovetocode999> Besides that I don't know
[15:51:05] <lovetocode999> I think I might be starting school next week
[15:51:58] <lovetocode999> What about you?
[15:54:17] <felix> Keep writing on this story.
[15:55:00] <felix> https://twitter.com
[16:00:12] <lovetocode999> That is amazing =D
[16:00:26] <lovetocode999> I too, like Shrek
[16:00:59] <felix> :)
[16:04:34] <lovetocode999> Although, now I understand why I don't remember it coming out xD
[16:11:26] <lovetocode999> What kind of movies do you like?
[16:13:53] <felix> All kinds!
[16:15:01] <felix> One of my all-time favorites is Hotel Hibiscus, a slice of life from Japan.
[16:18:59] <felix> How about you?
[16:55:30] <lovetocode999> Well, I like cartoons, like the disney pixar movies
[16:55:39] <lovetocode999> I don't know that I have any favorites
[17:02:08] <felix> Oh, okay!
[17:04:05] -!- ogrona has quit [Connection closed]
[17:04:20] -!- ogrona [ogrona!~ogrona@dynamic-077-006-043-001.77.6.pool.telefonica.de] has joined #ctrl-c
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[17:12:45] -!- perrierjouet has quit [quit: WeeChat 3.0]
[17:42:33] -!- perrierjouet [perrierjouet!~perrierjou@modemcable012.251-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ctrl-c
[19:28:27] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[19:47:49] <robertp> i feel optimistic about 2021. it's probably just naive though :)
[19:48:18] <robertp> but i just looked at the books i read over 2020, it might be interesting: https://gist.github.com
[19:49:00] <robertp> 32 books for the year, less than i'd have thought. but, i do tend to fall asleep after a few pages as i usually read in bed
[20:41:16] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
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[20:58:55] <fleg> Ehhh, I need to go back to reading
[20:59:28] <fleg> The problem is, it's harder and harder to get a book that I would really get into
[22:38:30] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
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