🎨 Lovetocode999's Pixel Art
All my pixel art! Not very much, but my collection is growing.
Made in Aseprite on a 64x64 canvas; I wanted to practice faces so I attempted to draw Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender. I used the background to symbolize his status as the Avatar, showing how he connects the four nations by connecting the four elements.
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Gruvbox Rubik's Cube
Made in GIMP with a 16x16 canvas using the gruvbox colorscheme because I wanted a new profile picture for several online accounts. After creating it, I added a border around the edge to deal with services that round the users' profile pictures. I have since lost the source gimp file, so I now only have the exported PNG.
Made in Aseprite on a 128x72 canvas; my first landscape and a picture of the mountains I see everyday (I live in Colorado). I made it for a school assignment which required me to draw a picture of nature.
Aseprite Source
Our Planet, Earth
Made in Aseprite on a 150x256 canvas as a background for my tablet.
Aseprite Source
Soaring Under the Moonlight
Made in Aseprite on a 256x144 canvas because my brother told me to draw a flying car.
Aseprite Source
Tiger the cat
Portrait of a cat my family used to have in a 64x64 canvas with Aseprite.
Aseprite Source
This is a web mirror of my gemini capsule, gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~lovetocode999. If you don't know what gemini:// is, check it out here!