Installing Nvidia Quadro Drivers on Arch Linux

I know, Linus knows, Nvidia is the worst company Linux has ever dealt with, and I am no exception. I have searched many tutorials online on how to get the drivers for my Nvidia Quadro K2000 driver installed on my "workstation" class computer (cough i7-4770 cough), up to no avail.

Yesterday, I got help from a friend online, who is into Linux and computers in general like me, and helped me with his tips & tricks to get through this. He had given a step-by-step procedure on how to properly manage my system after trying and failing miserably.

Step 1: Install DKMS and linux-headers

Before you start installing these drivers, you need to update your system, along with installing DKMS and the Linux headers. You can install them with just one simple command:

sudo pacman -Syu dkms linux-headers

It's as simple as that.

Step 2: Install Nvidia Driver AUR Package

Simply install the Nvidia driver package by running git clone, along with cd nvidia-470xx-dkms and makepkg -si. This will install version 470.xx of the drivers which support Nvidia Quadro K2000. Note that the NVENC version may be too old for ffmpeg to handle as it is stuck in version 11.1 as of writing this article.

Step 3: Edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf

You must edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf for the drivers to fully work. Type sudo vim /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and edit the line that begins with HOOKS and remove kms. After saving the file, run sudo mkinitcpio -P and reboot the system.

When you log in with startx or just about anything else, the drivers should fully work. Try running glxgears, fire up Blender, play some Minecraft or CS:GO, and you should get high FPS.

You are finally set up.

August 27, 2023