(This page follows from What is all this stuff?)

HTML files have other stuff in them…

My first web page written in Markdown (for conversion into HTML)

In inviting readers to follow my learning curve here on Ctrl-C, I’ve encouraged attention to the page source code so that they’ll also feel free to experiment. I didn’t go into much detail though, because you don’t have to get all the details right to get started. In fact you can get a lot wrong and still publish successfully - web servers & browsers are very tolerant. Many details are only important if you want the content you publish to be properly indexed by search engines and so forth.

I had first learnt HTML years ago and hardly used it since, but on discovering the publishing facility in Ctrl-C, just started writing, and only looked up correct methods when I got stuck. I knew I was neglecting some of what I’d been taught, but also knew that there are automated ways of correcting HTML files.

About that output.html file…

A screenshot of the source code of the Output page

The first striking difference between Pandoc's rendition (shown here) and my “hand-rolled” HTML files is the very complete <head> section, with some <meta> items which aren’t that interesting, followed by the title automatically created by Pandoc from the name of the Markdown input file.

But then comes <style>, referring to CSS. You may recall that the page was displayed exactly in the same style as the “hand-rolled” ones which have no <style> sections. Well, that’s obviously because the values specified in the section are the default ones of HTML.

In case anybody wondered about the insertion of the screenshot, yes, I did that manually after creation of the HTML file for this blog post.

(Blog 2)