This is a web mirror of my Gemini capsule.

Sci Fi recommendations

Callum posted a nice review of Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie, and asked for some recommendations. Swinslow followed up with some great recs (I've been meaning to dig into N.K. Jemisin's Broken Earth for months now) and I figured I'd throw in some of my own recs.

Callum's original post
Swinslow's reply

Martha Wells

Specifically her Murderbot Diaries series. Follows the story of a part organic part machine construct that has hacked it's governor module that forced it to follow orders, set against a background of space ruled by corporations.

J.S. Fields

The Ardulum series follows the crew of the Mercy's Pledge as they get mixed up in galactic event find out what happens when legends turn out to be real. (Some fantasy elements)

Caitlin Starling

Debut novel The Luminous Dead follows a caver who lied her way onto an underground expedition only to find out her employer lied just as much as she did. SciFi/Horror

Ada Hoffmann

Another debut novel, The Outside can be called Lovecraft in space; Humans created AIs, and the AIs rebuilt themselves into gods. But what happens when things beyond even the cybernetic gods begin to creep into our reality? SciFi/Horror

My gemlog
The is a web mirror of my gemini capsule.