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Captain's Retro Battlestations

This is a work in progress list of all the noteworthy pieces of hardware that I'm currently hoarding.

On the go (PDA's)

Favorites are starred

Running Palm OS:

Palm III

Palm Vx ⭐

Palm M100

Palm M505 (Digitiser broken)

Palm M515 (Mainboard issue)

Palm Zire 71 ⭐

Palm Zire 72 ⭐

Palm Tungsten E

Palm Tungsten E2

Palm Tungsten T3 ⭐

Palm Tungsten C ⭐

Palm TX ⭐

Handspring Treo 90

Palm Treo 650 ⭐


Nokia N800


Win95 Pentium 90 Desktop shoehorned in a beige 486 case (PCI VGA Card replacement needed)

Thinkpad 2645 Pentium II 450Mhz running Windows 98 (Hard drive replaced with CF-card IDE adapter)

Pentium 4 with old Geforce card running Windows XP

iMac G3/500 Indigo m5521 Macintosh SE m5011 (Upgraded with SCSI2SD) IBM 5155 (One of the first IBM Luggables, needs new boot disks)



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