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Retro Mail Call (New pickup!)

Every now and then I get nostalgic, get online and order some of the gadgets that I craved for back in the day.

I am a Palm OS enthusiast, former dev and these devices will always have a soft spot in my heart.

In todays mail bag, we get a Palm Tungsten T3! It's one of the more "modern" Palm devices that sport Bluetooth (which can be handy for setting up a internet connection, routing it through your phone or computer).

Only appropriately that I would take a picture of it using my Palm Zire 71, hence the slightly blurry pictures.

In cradle On desk with slider opened

Only payed about €8 excluding shipping for it, looks like it might need a new battery though. Also came with a handheld sudoku game and a pocket translator device.

I've got some other really cool stuff on it's way, but for that I first have to get one of my old Win95 desktops back up and running.

I started keeping a list of retro toys that I would like to aquire:

Captain's Wanted Retro Toys



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Retro Mail Call (New pickup!) was published on 2023-08-21

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