I often enjoy looking through adverts and product reviews in old computer magazines. They are filled to the brim with products that I had no hope on scoring as a broke 15 year old living under my parents roof.
Luckily, 20 years later, I have some disposible income to the rescue!
Here's what peaked my interest today:
With a memory capable of storing 80 photos in a whopping 176x144 resolution.
Honestly, how come this is still not a thing? I guess there's no use for it since everyone has a picture taking phone on them at all times nowadays. It would however be a good incentive to leave your phone at home once in a while.
A PDA / communicator with a huge antenna.
I remember seeing this as a kid and thinking how cool it must be to take this device along and hope you would get 'in range' of someone else's; Like a chat room but only with people in your vicinity.
Chances of finding someone else in range with this thing were already small back in it's heyday, finding anyone now that even has it is pretty much impossible.
A combination of both camera and an MP3 player. You can even record video on this champ! This bad boys' camera resolution goes up to 640x480.
You are looking at a big brick, until you flip it open and discover a whole other device inside. Sporting a color screen, large keyboard and a HTML browser (Phone browsers from this era were usually limited to visiting WAP sites). If you were carrying this device, people knew you meant business.
I also keep a wanted list for products that I hope to aquire:
Captain's Wanted Retro ToysThis article was written on a Palm T3.
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@rxpz@social.linux.pizzaForgotten gadgets (2001/2002 edition) was published on 2023-10-17