Essential Authors and Books
- Spinoza Ethics
- Erich From To Have or To Be, The art of Being
- Lao Dze Tao Te King
- Rumi The Essentil Rumi * Coleman Barks; Nader Khalili
- Hafez
- Yunus Emre
- Saint John of the Cross
- The New Testament
- Epictetus
- Cicero
- Korzybsky Science and Sanity
- Pike Morals and Dogma
- Sri Krisna Bhagavad Gita
- Srimad Bhagavatam
- Tolstoy Изповед
- Erich Kestner
- Н. Вапцаров
- Яворов
- Дебелянов
- Лилиев