I added a simple index.html today! It almost took the life out of me, but it's something. :) Wed Aug 4 14:43:50 2021 I didn't really do much today, courtesy of a long workday and expending most of my energy at night doing the dishes, but hopefully I'll feel a little better tomorrow. I did figure out how to look at the iris posts though, I was so lost the last two times I took a look at it, it was a relief managing to understand what it was that I was doing this time around. I think I do also have an idea for a small personal project, somewhat long-term: I could write a simple wiki engine in Python. Anyway, so, yeah. Been a bit of a day. But I think I'll be okay. Thu Aug 5 13:51:34 2021 I have had a really long week. I mean, it wasn't that long, I feel like I wrote the last entry maybe two, three days ago. But that's not the case, right? Feels like time travel into the future, only faster than our usual 1s/s. Oh well. Anyway, the weekend is almost here, and with it half of August will have passed us by. Two months to go to the next biggest shift in my life. And then maybe I'll be able to truly spare the mindspace to focus on a personal project without worrying that I'll drive myself insane or finally have that mental breakdown I've been dreading for the past two years. Anyway so I did a snafu at work, and it has established in the minds of my team and my own the importance of not only a good set of tests but also a thorough testing procedure for really critical stuff. I do think there wasn't as bad an effect on the overall financial performance of the product as feared, but by God am I embarrassed and ashamed of letting that glitch go through. I now am in need of both professional and personal counselling. But maybe the weekend will be better. I'll be fully vaccinated too! Thu Aug 12 13:58:38 2021 I am once again going to try to resume building out that old wiki thing. You know, old as in a few weeks old. I read about another boutique s/w dev outfit that built out their own, and a glance at it and their requirements annd stuff put me in a more reasoning frame of mind about it than I've been in for a while now. I am definitely going to give that a go next. Wed Aug 18 14:02:32 2021 Here I am again. Username updated, and it feels good, I guess? I did start configuring vim properly today, since I'm now strongly considering moving to a CLI-based workflow just to keep either of my laptops from taking off like the space shuttle when I open a large project or two, which is most work projects these days. I do not understand exactly what it is that MS Python Language Server wants to compute that really spins the fans up like that, and I imagine it is something useful, but I am super sick of the sound and just the general resource-hogging that the extensions do. The fact that it is all chrome-based also bothers me tremendously. Anyway, this is going to be a busy weekend, and the next one might be too, so I will have to see how often I can keep doing this. But this was a good feeling today, yeah. Sat Aug 21 13:57:35 2021 I didn't get much coding done today by way of my projects. Spent a while reading 11r.co and stuff. I think I might just keep this space for things that are generally technical, and do all the other musing in a private journal. So, well. Yeah. Tue Aug 24 14:35:18 2021 Wow, it has been a few days. Managing time is difficult lately, and that's barely any excuse, I know, but it's either I stay like this or I begin to slide toward burnout again, so there's that. But no, I think I'll write a small botany-like program this weekend. But other than that, I think I've actually been happy for the past week or so, which was a nice change. Here's hoping it sticks. Thu Sep 9 14:03:21 CDT 2021