2022-02-18 (fold) #TeachingIdea https://www.bjfogg.com/contact This guy allows you to schedule phonecalls with him. Might be a nice way to generalize the bookable office hours stuff. Setup YouCanBook.Me again? 2022-02-18 (end) 2022-02-15 (fold) #BackupSystem #Idea Things that I would like from a backup system: - Automation: it should run without me - Reporting: it should keep me updated via i3status - Multiple-target: - home desktop - work desktop - laptop - external hard drive - USB keys - Differential backups - Multiple frequencies: - Hot data: - Current courses - Website - Daily or hourly differential backups - Cold data: - Old courses - Photos - Family videos - Weekly backups - Comprehensible to me - Unencrypted (lost too many horcrux backups this way) Things to Learn: - rdiff-backup reporting - rdiff-backup include/exclude - string extraction in Python - time comparison in Python Sources of good ideas about backups: https://t0.vc/1/ - rdiff-backup - cron jobs for everything - every backup process should document its own runs - folder /backup/files for misc stuff - write a (Python) script to check it - document it https://controlaltbackspace.org/filesystem/starting-off-with-a-backup/ - horcrux - thoughtful list of "restore generating events" - test out your backup: try it in a year or six months TIL: In crontab */n does every n'th occurence For example: */5 * * * * date -Iseconds > /media/pgadey/external/backup-log.txt */5 * * * * rdiff-backup -v5 Work /media/pgadey/external/Work-backup/ This backs up the work directory every five minutes. (Also, the date -I second bit dumps a line saying the most recent back-up.) #BackupSystem There is an odd thing that I do not understand about rdiff-backup. I do not understand how working with a restored copy of data works. First, I create a mirror with additional rdiff data. $ rdiff-backup foo/ foo-backup/ Disaster strikes! I nuke the originals. $ rm -Rf foo/ Now, I restore the backup by copying the mirror. $ cp -r foo-backup/ foo/ The confusing part. When I attempt to add a new increment to the mirror, based off the restored copy, I get a fatal error: $ rdiff-backup foo/ foo-backup/ Fatal Error: Restore target foo-backup already exists, specify --force to overwrite. Removing the rdiff-backup-data from the mirror seems to fix the issue: $ rm -Rf ./foo/rdiff-backup-data/ $ rdiff-backup foo/ foo-backup/ TIL: The correct way to restore a backup is: $ rdiff-backup --restore-as-of now foo-backup/ foo/ #BackupSystem Currently my backup "system" is a mess. I've got an external hard drive with a loose collection of backup files that are scattered over the past few years. I am not sure what is really in any of the backups. How do I restore any of this? Who knows? I didn't document anything when I backed this stuff up. google-drive-backup.zip lightbox-backup-2021-07-06 loopland-backup-2020-10-16 meg-photo-backup-2020-07-05 officebox-backup-2021-07-16 pgadey-website-Syncthing-backup-2021-03-27 skatolo.backup-2019-11.tar.gz Work-Syncthing-backup-2021-03-27 zenbook-backup-2020-03.tar.gz zenbook-backup-2021-07-07 Currently, I am organzing the material that I want to backup. ./backup ├── Dotfiles [Active] ├── Family │   ├── Mira │   └── Wedding ├── Films ├── Google [Manual] ├── Phones │   ├── Meg-Samsung-Galaxy-A10e │   ├── Meg-Samsung-Galaxy-A12 [Active] │   └── Parker-Samsung-Galaxy8 [Active] ├── Photos [Manual] ├── Trips ├── Websites │   ├── ctrl-c.clu [Active] │   └── pgadey.ca [Active] └── Work [Active] Legend: Leaves of the tree marked [Active] require some kind of automated backup mechanism. They are "active" while the other leaves are "passive". The leaves marked [Manual] require some kind of manual periodic backup. Current #BackupSystem Plan: The plan is to use Syncthing to get media to the UTSC office computer in a "collection zone" and then back up to an external hard drive. There are a few things that I don't think should be automated such as backing up GMail or Google Drive. For those, I'll set calendar reminders. There are also things that *ought* to be sorted or managed: - Personal photos - Personal videos - PDFs Right now, I'm carrying around 50Gb or so of unsorted photos. If those were sorted out and managed then I would feel better about the backup. How to Check the #Backup System? Show the increments of foo-backup/ in seconds since the epoch. $ rdiff-backup --parsable-output --list-increments foo-backup/ Show the increments of foo-backup/ in a human readable format. $ rdiff-backup --list-increments foo-backup/ Ideas for a #BackupSystem script Organize all the cron by calling one script: $ backup.py websites $ backup.py work $ backup.py dotfiles Verify the backups by running a verify command $ backup.py --verify "All backups are up to date." Use it in the status line. $ backup.py --status 😊 TIL: How to type Unicode in vim: U1F60A The relevant help is :help i_ctrl-v_digit 2022-02-15 (end) 2022-02-14 (fold) cross-compile #docstrip full course build #idea course-data.sty <-- This might be subsumed by news-and-reminders course-macros.sty course-information-news-and-reminders.sty course-assignment-N-BLANK.tex course-assignment-N-SOLUTIONs.tex course-midterm-N-BLANK.tex course-midterm-N-SOLUTIONS.tex course-tutorial-activity-week-N.tex course-exam-BLANK.tex course-exam-SOLUTIONS.tex Various versions of the graphic syllabus: For the lecture slides For tutorials For TA only materials #TimeTracking "How much time did I allocate to X during the week?" "How much time did I actually X during the week?" Why care about #TimeTracking? As a person: - Want to stick with plans - Want to make progress on life goals As a professor: - Lots of solitary work - Easy to drift off target #ReadingWeek veg out and eat pancakes back-up system fix laptop create system for making paper backups of LaTeX code software to play with: git remind timetrap 2022-02-14 (end) 2022-02-10 (fold) TIL: In vim :source FILE will open FILE as vimscript and read it in. Helpful for reloading your .vimrc #Pomodoro 20 : A22 Tutorial activity 20 : A22 Tutorial activity 10 : A22 Tutorial activity 20 : B42 Assignment 3 20 : B42 Lecture Notes 2022-02-10 (end) 2022-02-08 (fold) - Writing A22 midterm solutions #Pomodoro 20 : A22 Midterm Solutions 20 : A22 Midterm Solutions 20 : Communication (Setting up A22 A2 graders) 15 : Communication (Setting up A22 office hours) 20 : A22 A3 Solutions 20 : A22 A3 Solutions 2022-02-08 (end) 2022-02-04 (fold) Re-formatted Kaidi's draft test 2022-02-04 (end) 2022-02-03 (fold) + Setup a docstrip template for QR codes on midterms + Printed and sorted the A29 Winter 2021 documents + Made the A22 Week 5 Tutorial Activity + Checked out classrooms 2022-02-03 (end) 2022-02-01 (fold) + Looked at Natalia's treasure of B42 notes + Updated the A29 Academic Integrity Spreadsheet and sent it to Zohreh / Guylaine + Prepped B42 Slides + Checking in the A22 Term Test #1 Draft 2022-02-01 (end) 2022-01-31 (fold) +Taught A22 +Sent out a Seminar Townhall e-mail #UndergraduateSeminar +Reached out to Kelly Squier about reading courses +Drafted some A22 A3 material 2022-01-31 (end) 2022-01-29 (fold) START: 11:42 +Send out A22 tutorial problems +Set up @pedagogy meeting -Write A22 slides +Post B42 A2 FINISH: 16:00 2022-01-29 (end) 2022-01-28 (fold) START: 09:10 -Meet with Kaidi Done. He has COVID. -Re-read Jeff Huang's post on the textfile system -Upload B42 A2 to Crowdmark -Film an apology / update regarding A22 in-person and post The chair has reviewed our phase-in plan and determined that it is not in line with what the rest of the department is doing. My sincere apologies for this mix-up. I was trying to design a simple and chill introduction to in-person learning which would allow us to have an in-person term test, minimize the impact academic integrity on POSt applications, and allow us to stay online until February 28th. That's not what MAT A37, A67, A48 are doing and the chair would like us to follow the lead from the rest of the department. So -- We're switching plans: In-person lecture will resume on Monday February 7th. Our first term test will happen as planned on Wednesday February 16th at 17:00 (EST). The department wants us to have in-person lectures and in-person term tests. You do not need to attend lecture. Everything will be recorded by Crowdmark and distributed just like the Zoom recordings. You do not need to attend the first term test. If you're unable to be present in Scarborough for the first term test, the weight of the term test will be re-distributed to the second term test and your final exam. You do not need to e-mail or ask permission to miss the first term test. We understand that some people are not able to fly back to Canada in time to attend. -Updated Mike and Balint about re-opening plan Done. FINISH: 16:40 2022-01-28 (end) 2021-01-27 (fold) START: 09:00 #ProfessionalDevelopment IBL SIGMAA Workshop: Su Doree The Active Learning Pedagogy Sequence Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18OYBvT5Vfu_GfdwWRc7dd0iDwHAOpic3i2Vy5lKd9aM/edit#slide=id.g110e0a62edf_0_15 Slides: ~/Work/Literature/Pedagogy/Active-Learning-Pedagogy-Sequence-(Dorée).pdf FINISH: 16:45 2021-01-27 (end) 2022-01-22 (fold) START: 10:05 TIL: Use \limits to put a limit under an integral sign (instead of beside it) for example: \int\limits_{\partial D} P dx FINISH: 2022-01-22 (end) 2022-01-18 (fold) START: 09:00 Working on MAT B42 Week 3 lecture slides 2022-01-18 (end) 2022-01-12 (fold) START: 08:30 FINISH: Move MAT B42 tutorial activity to slides Schedule TA meetings Work on Week 2 and 3 slides TA Zoom link request form Try to avoid communication work until 13:00 (14:00)? - Communication is a major time sink and breaks focus #docstrip full course build: - general style stuff (packages) should get their own style file \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{caption} \usepackage[absolute,overlay]{textpos} \setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number] \usepackage{graphbox} \usepackage{graphics} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{graphbox} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{tcolorbox} - course specific notation should get its own style file \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\cc}{\mathbf{c}} %% parametrized curve \newcommand{\ee}{\mathbf{e}} \newcommand{\ii}{\mathbf{i}} \newcommand{\jj}{\mathbf{j}} \newcommand{\kk}{\mathbf{k}} \newcommand{\vv}{\mathbf{v}} %% vector \newcommand{\TT}{\mathbf{T}} %% the unit speed tangent vercot \newcommand{\NN}{\mathbf{N}} %% the principal normal vector \newcommand{\BB}{\mathbf{B}} %% the binormal - keep all the course-specific information in variables \newcommand{\CourseTitle}{MAT B42} \newcommand{\CourseTitleLong}{Calculus of Several Variables II} \newcommand{\CourseTerm}{Winter 2022} - build all the news / reminders in to a course-wide style file that gets extracted and built in to each document - news and reminders %% News and Reminders %% (fold) \newcommand{\NewsAndReminders}{ %<*week-1> \item Assignment 1 is due on Thursday January 27th at 13:00. \item Tutorials start (virtually) next week. % } %% News and Reminders %% (end) - readings %% Readings %% (fold) \newcommand{\Readings}{ %<*week-1> \item Marsden and Tromba: 2.4 Introduction to Paths and Curves \item Marsden and Tromba: 4.1 Acceleration and Newton's Second Law \item Marsden and Tromba: 4.2 Arc Length % } %% Readings %% (end) 2022-01-12 (end) 2022-01-11 (fold) START: 09:00 FINISH: 15:16 Helped Alex Fink with a tech run Edited A22 slides for Week 1 Moved A22 Tutorial Activities to slide format Picked up from the library: - Maude and Beaglehole: Puka Puka - A Handbook for Scholars Sent out another round of TA offers 2022-01-11 (end) 2022-01-06 (fold) START: 09:00 FINISH: 16:16 #Dossier Talk about informal chats and welcome videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bwd7MVkcTkM ~/Work/JobDocuments/Dossier/Documents/A22-Winter-2022-Welcome-to-the-Course.pdf The Informal Chat went really well! 120 people showed up and we generated a lot of good Question and Answer stuff. That material then got added to the Syllabus: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13IyThBcVfN3a_wwWekBHy7_irgDJcLLqedelh_vszdA/edit?usp=sharing 2022-01-06 (end) 2022-01-05 (fold) START: 11:16 FINISH: 16:39 E-mailed TAs with information about Quercus / Piazza / Crowdmark. Submitted A22 and B42 syllabi. Put the course pages on Quercus. Added Zoom links to the course pages. #A22 Archisha Pal and Dylan Rapanan have a conflict of interest #AcademicIntegrity #A29 Guylaine sent me a spreadsheet to fill out: https://utoronto-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/jolyn_duan_utoronto_ca/Eck9MVtYJd1DmmDSiW0C0GkBUiKGRThQFpelI-hYT4CSDw?email=parker.glynn.adey%40utoronto.ca&e=4%3AEOb70J&at=9 Thoughts on #CoursePrep Given your personality, you will want to have absolutely everything ready in advance of teaching a new course. This is an unreasonably large amount of preparation to do. Eventually, once you have taught a given course several times it might become possible to attain to that level of preparation. However, for a new course, you will not be able to prepare everything in advance. And so, you'll need the following: - textbook choice - schedule of readings - long list of questions from the readings - choice of assessments and weightings - schedule of due dates - syllabus - pre-written end of week reminders - re-grade request forms - graphic syllabus - learning management system shell - lecture notes or slides - assignments - tutorial activities - TA on-boarding form - allocation of TAs to grading tasks - DDAH forms tk: comments on how this list is organized. Presently, it is arranged according to "thought process" or how I think about things. It could also be arranged according to due date (which is completely different!) The choice of textbook is largely a matter of tradition. You should ask your senior colleagues what "The Book" for your course is and then follow their lead. This year, I did not manage to do that with any of my courses and it created a lot of stress. Once you have settled on a book however, it is routine to determine a list of topics to cover and then schedule them out throughout the term. Selecting problems from the book requires some care and discrimination. Many textbooks have more problems than you can reasonably assign, or cover subjects which you don't necessarily want to teach or assess. Usually, I obtain a physical copy of the book, skim it, and mark up the recommended exercises with pencil with the following values: L - Lecture H - Homework T - Tutorial Ideally, you want to have H be almost a subset of the union of L and T. There should, at least, be a strong correlation between these sets. tk: notes on choosing an assessment plan To create a schedule of due dates, consult the academic timetable to find out about any school closures, holidays, etc. Add these to an electronic calendar. Highlight and label each workweek of term in the calendar, so that you know the beginning and end date of each week. Make all the the due dates and release dates in the calendar. You can export or share an electronic calendar with your students. Consider giving due dates that are within working hours. The allocation of TAs to grading tasks shapes the design of your assessments, because you need to make sure that you don't produce assessments which are too long for your TAs to grade. This term, I am trying out subset grading where each assignment will only have two questions graded. This means that I have a limited number of questions to grade per assignment, and I can more easily control how grading is allocated. tk: lots of stuff 2022-01-05 (end) 2022-01-04 (fold) Brian Li UBC Letter Learning objectives A22 / B24 TA Information Google Form Settle personal winter schedule Invited A22 TAs to: - Discord - Crowdmark - Piazza - Quercus Schedule Quercus / Crowdmark - Created A22 due dates Google Calendar - Added A22 Assignment placeholders to Quercus 14:00 Meet with Kaidi #A22 TIL: It is much easier to setup due dates with Google Calendar #TeachingInsight #CoursePrep TIL: pavucontrol lets you select which audio device is used for which audio stream START: 08:46 FINISH: 15:30 2022-01-04 (end) 2022-01-03 (fold) TA training plan Seminar speakers Register for events with CTL Graphic syllabi - made B42's graphic syllabus Schedule Quercus / Crowdmark - https://print-a-calendar.com/ - You want all the announcements to be ready to post, so that they require no intervention throughout the term. #CoursePrep Discord or Slack for TA Communication - learned about Discord TIL: To open multiple files in vim use :next foo.* instead of :edit foo.* START: 09:32 FINISH: 14:32 #WritingEntryPoints - add material to geometry/algebra paper with Ami - send out office hours piece (anywhere!) - nudge Alex / JT / Mike about the #ReadingEntryPoints - read up on teaching journals / diaries / notebooks - ERIC: https://eric.ed.gov/?q=subject%3aDiaries&ff1=subDiaries - pre-service teachers: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ884413 - 40 years: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1261715 - impact on teacher skill (in Georgia?): https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1295699 - optimism / pessimism: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1287295 - journal intervention (metacognition): https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1314695 #WritingPractice - adopt a "just for today" approach - allocate an hour every day to reading/writing/curiousity - alternate how that hour is used: reading OR writing OR curiousity 2022-01-03 (end) Year 2021 (fold) 2021-12-30 (fold) TA hiring - Updated the spreadsheet based on Kelly's new version - Assigned Jacob Kewarth an A29 and Pourya another C01 - Sent out the remaining five offers START: 09:43 FINISH: 11:03 2021-12-30 (end) 2021-12-24 (fold) TIL: How to fix a Syncthing folder marker missing error: https://forum.syncthing.net/t/stopping-folder-path-exists-but-folder-marker-missing/1749 - create the required directory - touch the .stfolder in the required directory TIL: How to scale down an image using convert: https://www.circumlunar.space/~solderpunk/brandt/ - this assumes a 1x1 aspect ratio - convert -quality 20 -geometry 800x800 image.jpg image-small.jpg # scale down an image to be very small TIL: How to disable hardware acceleration (and stop intermittent system-wide freezing) in Firefox - https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1231947 - Ooops, seems to still be happening (but less often). 2021-12-24 (end) 2021-12-23 (fold) Pull A29 marks from Crowdmark - Lots of people skipped Term Test 3 due to the drop-the-lowest-mark policy #TeachingInsight - It took ~3.5hrs to calculate the grades and put an academic integrity spreadsheet together. #Time Requested to move B42 online and keep A22 in-person. START: 09:15 FINISH: 12:24 2021-12-23 (end) 2021-12-22 (fold) Pull A29 marks from Crowdmark Setup Slack for A22 and B42 B42 Tutorial 13:00 Eric and Lukas at the Guild Spent all day at the Scarborough Health Network with Mira. #Parenting 2021-12-22 (end) 2021-12-21 (fold) Pulled Mira from daycare due to flu symptoms Draft A22 Assignment #2 - made a draft with solutions - took about ~4 hours total #Time B42 Slides - added some slides on vector fields 15:00 Mira to Doctor - Cancelled? START: 09:50 FINISH: 19:37 - worked weirdly late at home #Time 2021-12-21 (end) 2021-12-20 (fold) CMS meeting notes (fold) - CMS Piazza: https://piazza.com/class/k7w1bikoqpm22n - the January 31st online-date is university wide - we plan to return on Week 4 - this is the result of some modelling which predicts a sharp spike - can we extend the online regime to some later date? - the official policy is NO - we want a uniform policy for the campus - lectures of size > 100 can move online for the whole semester - if you want to do this, ask your associate chair - tutorials in-person - labs in-person - assessments in-person - what should we tell our students? - Jan 31st is a Monday - we should tell them that the plan is: "online from Jan 10 to Jan 31st, in-person afterwards" - any term assessments in the first three weeks will be online - we cannot have conditional grading schemes based on online vs in-person - we can ask for special approval to have an exam < 30% - it looks like we will not have WebOption for the first three weeks - we need to make a case that this is an "essential service" - there will be extra TA hours available for switching modes (end) Add visual material to Python slide deck #eCampus eCampus Team meeting notes (fold) -Trello is here: https://trello.com/b/KnwTxUpm/ecampus-project -The video pop-up spreadsheet todo is here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t_5dBQS66nRM_7k7G-376qNgqiaLLco2/edit# -Template for video pop-us: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ejFzJ6ZMDAm62M08LvZ0uyvE3KXXB5Vi/edit#slide=id.p1 -The key pieces: - Graphics - Two or three slides - Resources or links -Kitty and Ami will organize the Google Drive -RME Paper with Ami: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1mheSzCcDerG4tFe-mFB36Ktfo4mOWThL #Publication #Writing eCampus Team meeting notes (end) Add Fall 2021 material to work record - lots of progress here TIL: How to increase swapfile size https://askubuntu.com/questions/1075505/how-do-i-increase-swapfile-in-ubuntu-18-04?noredirect=1&lq=1 START: 09:30 FINISH: 14:27 2021-12-20 (end) 2021-12-02 St. Michael's College School - Math and Physical Sciences In-school Virtual Workshop (Organized by the Office of Student Recruitment) #PTR #Outreach - 1 hour - Slides ~/Work/JobDocuments/PTR/Outreach/StMichaels-Kaleidoscopes.pdf 2021-11-04 Panelist at "Women and STEM: Making New Paths" Graduate Professional Day Conference at UTSC #PTR #Service - 2 hours - Poster ~/Work/JobDocuments/Dossier/Documents/Women-and-STEM-Making-New-Paths.pdf 2021-10-25 David Chan did a classroom observation of my MAT A29 course via video #PTR #ProfessionalDevelopment - 2 hours - Evaluations ~/Work/JobDocuments/Dossier/Documents/Peer-Observation-Instrument-P.Glynn-Adey-Oct-2021.docx 2021-09-07 Organized IBL SIGMAA Fall Workshop Series #PTR #Service #ProfessionalDevelopment - 4 hours - Poster ~/Work/JobDocuments/PTR/ProfessionalDevelopment/SIGMAA-IBL-Fall-Workshop-Series.pdf 2021-08-19 Syllabus consulation with David Chan #PTR #ProfessionalDevelopment #CTL - remove "learning styles" - split up syllabus in to separate Quercus pages 2021-08-17 Your Academic Career at U of T: New Faculty and Librarian Orientation #PTR #ProfessionalDevelopment - 7.5 hours 2021-08-16 Your Academic Career at U of T: New Faculty and Librarian Orientation #PTR #ProfessionalDevelopment - Agenda ~/Work/JobDocuments/PTR/ProfessionalDevelopment/NFLO_2021_Schedule_TeachingStream.pdf - Total time 8 + 7.5 hours = 15.5 hours - 8 hours 2021-08-12 UTSC New Faculty Orientation #PTR #ProfessionalDevelopment - 4.75 hours 2021-08-11 UTSC New Faculty Orientation #PTR #ProfessionalDevelopment - 4.75 hours 2021-08-10 UTSC New Faculty Orientation #PTR #ProfessionalDevelopment - 4.75 hours 2021-08-05 UTSC New Faculty Orientation #PTR #ProfessionalDevelopment - 4.75 hours 2021-08-04 UTSC New Faculty Orientation #PTR #ProfessionalDevelopment - Agenda ~/Work/JobDocuments/PTR/ProfessionalDevelopment/UTSC_NFO_agenda_v1Aug21.pdf - Total time 5*4.75 hours = 23.75 hours - 4.75 hours 2021-06-13 - Received workload letter #PTR #ProfessionalDevelopment - Workload letter ~/Work/JobDocuments/PTR/Workload/Workload-2021-22_Glynn-Adey.pdf Year 2021 (end) ##Meta: Notes about the Work Notes This work record was inspired by Jeff Huang's system: https://jeffhuang.com/productivity_text_file/ Conventions: - #Tags begin with an uppercase letter (for CamelCase, like #ProfessionalDevelopment) - File names appear for use with vim's gf and gx - To-do items begin with a dash (-) - Done items get replaced with a plus (+) Modifications: - items arranged most recent to oldest