Submission Guidelines This is a bit of an experiment on my part, but between persons expressing discomfort at what I considered a carefully currated mining of iris and realizxation that many within the ctrl-c community might prefer a more in-house way of sharing their projects of the month I am going to attempt the following. Anyone wanting to share content can do so by emailing me at either my ctrl-c ( or gmail ( email addresses, or create a file in your home directory on server. ---------- File Name convention: .[Year]-[Month]-zine Correction: Year is in a two digit string. So submissions for January would look like .24-01-zine Thanks to Gome I can use either of the following scripts to search for what matches the current month's dot files. This hopefully leaves everything clear on what users wish to share and, truthfully, it lends itself to a democratization of things. I'm just the editor, you want to take a hand at compiling, or want to try something? Here ya go, same data I'm pulling from.f As for art? While this does not directly allow getting art to me one can still provide links via the month's dot files in a way that I know what out of a long list of recent projects actually happened in the past month. ---------- Gome's Dotfile Scripts To display everything as a codified thing. ~gome/scripts/dotshare-digest To display a list of files. ~gome/scripts/check-dotshare I include links for the sake of transparency, and in the hope others can do something interesting with them. Dotfiles provide an interesting way to share datra within the server if everyone participating can agree on things like naming convention and how to present data within the file itself. ---------- Further Discussion Please do not feel like this is a 'done' thing. As with much in the server this is just an experiment. It may fissle or thrive. fI just saw a problem of 'i do not see many people submitting content. I do not want the zine to stop being a monthly thing if at all reasonably possible. How do I do that ethically?' My door is always open if anyone has any constructive critiques, advice, or even color commentary.