[21:21] Back from a visit at a friend's place in a pretty provincial area. Since I live in a major city I'm used to having a decent internet connection basically wherever I go. At this place, not so much. My phone was constantly struggling to connect to any mobile network at all, and whenever it got connected, the downstream was slooooooow. I actually began to value small sized websites even more.
I also did not dare to connect to the wifi in the hotel, since the hardware I saw there was el cheapo stuff which probably was never patched since it was acquired ten years ago or so. Plus the stuff was installed in a public area within arm's reach, so anything could have been done to the network. I may be paranoid in this regard, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
On the plus side, there was no light pollution whatsoever. Hadn't seen such a dark night's sky in years.