The source: termemory.c
The source: termemory_v2.c (ideas from gome), this version walks as snake and dont have reminder every 3 correct guess

Heya, this is just a simple page to release my new terminal game, its called Termemory. I made it just to have some fun with C programming and terminal itself. Its just a simple memory game which somekind combine snake approach.

There is no special dependency or instructions you can just compile and run it as is, you will have 2 seconds to save the position of symbols in your mind and then you can walk eating the symbols in alphabetic order, every 3 correct symbols you will can refresh your memory. Enjoy the game !

The symbols will appear like this:

+                    +
+                    +
+                    +
+                   C+
+                    +
+          A         +
+                    +
+                    +
+B                   +
+                    +

and then suddenly become:

+                    +
+                    +
+       @            +
+                   ?+
+                    +
+          ?         +
+                    +
+                    +
+?                   +
+                    +

'@' is your cursor! Have fun!