#chat | Logs for 2016-05-26
[10:46:42] -!- LogBotIsWatchin [LogBotIsWatchin!~LogBotIsW@] has joined #chat
[10:48:32] -!- LogBotIsWatchin [LogBotIsWatchin!~LogBotIsW@] has joined #chat
[10:51:50] -!- greymtr has quit [EOF From client]
[10:53:07] -!- greymtr [greymtr!~greymtr@] has joined #chat
[10:54:17] <greymtr> so 'sup guys ?
[17:33:39] -!- greymtr has quit ["Lost terminal"]
[22:24:27] -!- calamitous [calamitous!~calamitou@] has joined #chat
[22:24:36] <calamitous> hey all!
[22:30:56] <calamitous> Sorry I've been out of the channel :( I didn't realize I was logged out
[22:59:49] -!- mode/#chat [+o calamitous] by caasih
[22:59:57] -!- mode/#chat [-o caasih] by caasih