#chat | Logs for 2018-04-13
[09:19:24] -!- LogBotIsWatchin [LogBotIsWatchin!~LogBotIsW@] has joined #chat
[10:09:47] <greymtr> test
[10:10:08] <greymtr> okay cool we have logs working again
[10:37:06] <caasih> greymtr++ LogBotIsWatchin++
[10:50:29] <greymtr> hello caasih ! how's life ?
[11:01:20] <caasih> I think it’s ... ok.
[11:02:25] * caasih still writes JavaScript for life. lol
[11:03:18] <ellion> hey it's better than writing ColdFusion...
[11:37:04] <greymtr> pretty sure writing code isn't the worst thing ever :D
[11:53:13] <caasih> :D
[17:09:41] -!- ellion has quit [Connection reset by peer]
[17:12:57] -!- ellion [ellion!~ellion@] has joined #chat