#chat | Logs for 2019-03-13

[09:00:00] <cyaniventer> hey!
[09:00:08] <cyaniventer> how do i create a wikki account?
[09:22:47] <Calamitous> Just ask. :) We had to shut down open edits because I was spending all my time deleting spam. :\ I'll get you set up and send you an email later today.
[10:29:33] <cyaniventer> Calamitous, I've not setup ctrl-c.club email!
[10:30:06] <cyaniventer> are you eric?
[10:30:23] <cyaniventer> i've emailed admin@ctrl-c.club before can you send it therE?
[10:30:48] <Calamitous> I am. :) Your email should already be set up. You can get to it from the command line with `mail` (although I prefer the `mutt` email client)
[10:31:14] <Calamitous> `mail` is a little easier to start with, but `mutt` is more powerful.
[10:33:24] <cyaniventer> oh! yes i can run `mail`, i'll use that for now.
[10:33:45] <Calamitous> Great! Give me a shout if you need anything else.
[10:36:15] <cyaniventer> yeah, i'll try to complete the wiki
[10:37:52] <cyaniventer> this place actually looks very dead, how many active users does ctrl-c have?
[10:39:20] <Calamitous> It's not dead, just... quiet. :) We have about 325 users, with varying levels of activity.
[10:39:38] <Calamitous> You can use the `last` command on the server to see who's been through lately.
[10:54:37] <cyaniventer> are users notified when iris post gets new reply?
[10:55:21] <cyaniventer> maybe something like maliling list will encourage more users to participate in discussions?
[10:56:30] <Calamitous> Not as such. Some of us have put `iris -s` in our startup script so that it shows if there are any unread iris messages when we log in.
[10:57:58] <Calamitous> On the mailing list... maybe. There was some talk about it a while back, but there wasn't much interest at the time. If there is some more interest, I could set one up.
[10:58:39] <cyaniventer> what is pts in last command?
[10:59:26] <cyaniventer> maybe we can use lists.tildeverse.org
[11:00:33] <cyaniventer> try making one and see if that takes off
[11:48:54] -!- cyaniventer has quit [EOF From client]
[13:38:37] -!- cyaniventer [cyaniventer!~cyanivent@] has joined #chat