#chat | Logs for 2019-05-28

[11:25:31] -!- ben [ben!ben@benharr.is] has joined #chat
[11:25:41] <Calamitous> Hello :)
[11:25:46] <ben> hey !!
[11:25:51] <ben> just responded to your email
[11:25:58] <Calamitous> Oh, cool
[11:26:18] <ben> how've things been in the ctrl-c club :)
[11:26:29] <Calamitous> Oh, the usual, quiet but steady.
[11:26:54] <Calamitous> Looking at upgrading the server here soon, to get a more recent distro going.
[11:27:44] <ben> what distro are we on here?
[11:27:58] <Calamitous> Ubuntu 14.04
[11:28:33] <ben> ohh yeah that's EOL soon
[11:28:51] <Calamitous> Last month, iirc.
[11:29:18] <ben> 18.04 is pretty decent
[11:29:35] <ben> debian buster will be out sometime this summer and has been quite solid so far
[11:29:39] <ben> you could probably run it already
[11:29:44] <Calamitous> Yeah, and it'll be nice having more recent s'ware in the repos
[11:30:27] <ben> oh for sure
[11:30:33] <Calamitous> Interesting. I haven't looked into debian. I was thinking about Arch, since they keep their repos on the bleeding edge, but I may save that for my personal projects, instead of other people's data :)
[11:31:02] <ben> i think debian is somewhat more reliable than ubuntu nowadays
[11:31:06] <ben> canonical is spread thin
[11:31:13] <Calamitous> Hmmm.
[11:31:15] <ben> ubuntu is based on debian
[11:31:30] <ben> i like both though
[11:31:44] <Calamitous> Yeah. I may take a look at that then. I used to play with a lot of distros, but nowadays I just want stuff working :D
[11:31:46] <ben> most things work the same on both
[11:31:52] <ben> yeah same :)
[11:32:15] <ben> ubuntu and debian are the only things i run anymore
[11:32:28] <Calamitous> My plan was to spin up a new server alongside, then port all the data/configs over, and test.
[11:32:54] <ben> yeah good call
[11:33:02] <ben> do-release-upgrade can be messy
[11:33:30] <Calamitous> Yeah. I've done it on my desktop a few times. It doesn't always work very smoothly.
[11:33:48] <ben> broke audio on my desktop going from 18.10 to 19.04
[11:33:55] <ben> ended up just doing a fresh install
[11:34:11] <Calamitous> I almost always end up wrecking my video drivers somehow.
[11:34:54] <Calamitous> That's what I get for proprietary hardware, I guess.
[11:35:24] <ben> hah yeah that got goofed up for me too
[11:39:56] <ben> i mentioned this in the email but if you create an account on https://tildegit.org i can get you access to the tilde.chat configs
[11:40:11] <ben> also feel free to hop in chat directly
[11:40:15] <ben> irc.tilde.chat 6697 with ssl
[11:40:22] <Calamitous> Got it. I just finished signing up :) <https://tildegit.org/Calamitous>
[11:40:28] <Calamitous> hmmm, alrighty
[11:41:47] <ben> awesome :)