#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-08-13

[12:19:58] -!- adam has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[13:44:00] -!- adam [adam!adam@] has joined #ctrl-c
[13:44:03] -!- anton1 [anton1!anton@] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:15:35] -!- felix [felix!~felix@] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:15:48] <felix> Hello, everyone!
[15:16:35] <calamitous> Howdy!
[15:18:50] <felix> So, funny story. I followed a chain of twtxt feeds all the way to a member of your club.
[15:19:09] <andinus> hi, welcome o/
[15:19:25] <felix> How is everyone?
[15:22:01] <andinus> just doing fine and you?
[15:22:13] <andinus> what is twtxt?
[15:22:23] <calamitous> Nice. Doing alright on my end, though I could use about 4 more hours of sleep.
[15:23:26] <felix> I wanted to meet you. See what Ctrl-C is like, beyond what the website says.
[15:24:28] <felix> twtxt is https://twtxt.readthedocs.io
[15:25:36] <felix> Basically a microblogging network based on a barebones feed format.
[15:25:53] <felix> And polling instead of subscribe-and-push.
[15:41:31] <calamitous> Twitter for the tildeverse :)
[15:41:39] <felix> Yes, exactly!
[15:42:04] <felix> As for me, I make games. I have a bunch made for the Linux console.
[15:42:31] <calamitous> Well, we're usually pretty quiet in here. Ctrl-C.club was started with a focus on programming languages (and we have a bunch set up), but people do all kinds of stuff around here.
[15:42:31] <felix> And they can't easily find an audience even in the indie crowd.
[15:42:57] <felix> Figured as much. I'm also a programming language designer.
[15:43:06] <felix> Did quite a bit of writing about that.
[15:43:36] <calamitous> Nice!
[15:43:50] <calamitous> Which paradigm?
[15:44:41] <felix> I went all over the place. Lisp-like, Forth-like, Tcl-like.
[15:45:38] <calamitous> Awesome. :) Not quite in the same league, but I tried my hand at make-a-lisp a few years back, but ran out of free time.
[15:45:50] <felix> My book features a line-number Basic though.
[15:46:31] <felix> And that's cool! You probably have a life, unlike me.
[16:04:43] <felix> So, think I should apply for membership?
[16:07:09] -!- frigginglorious [frigginglorious!~Thunderbir@097-080-084-116.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:08:38] <felix> Hello!
[16:08:59] <slipyx> hi
[16:33:03] <felix> How come Ctrl-C is so laid back, anyway? That's unusual.
[16:33:46] -!- frigginglorious has quit [Client exited]
[16:33:56] -!- frigginglorious [frigginglorious!~Thunderbir@097-080-084-116.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:43:17] <calamitous> felix: Yeah, feel free. Signup form is here: http://goo.gl
[16:43:38] <calamitous> I don't know about unusual. Most of the tildes are pretty laid back, I think :)
[16:44:24] <felix> Thank you! Had a bad experience, is all.
[16:45:04] <felix> And maybe a tilde's website isn't the best indication.
[16:45:52] -!- adam1 [adam1!adam@] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:45:52] -!- anton2 [anton2!anton@] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:45:57] <felix> Going to sleep over it tonight.
[16:48:02] -!- anton1 has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[16:48:58] -!- adam has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[16:50:22] -!- adam1 has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[16:50:22] -!- anton2 has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[18:22:10] <felix> See you soon!
[18:22:18] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[18:25:08] <calamitous> Alrighty, have a good one!
[19:43:25] -!- frigginglorious has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[19:43:28] -!- frigginglorious [frigginglorious!~Thunderbir@rrcs-24-206-45-122.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[20:33:05] -!- frigginglorious has quit [Connection closed]
[20:33:41] -!- frigginglorious [frigginglorious!~Thunderbir@097-080-084-116.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[22:04:39] -!- frigginglorious has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[22:22:49] -!- frigginglorious [frigginglorious!~Thunderbir@097-080-084-116.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[22:27:22] -!- frigginglorious1 [frigginglorious1!~Thunderbir@rrcs-24-206-45-122.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[22:28:49] -!- frigginglorious has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[22:28:49] frigginglorious1 is now known as frigginglorious
[22:35:34] -!- frigginglorious has quit [Connection closed]
[22:49:44] -!- frigginglorious [frigginglorious!~Thunderbir@99.sub-174-192-143.myvzw.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[22:59:44] -!- frigginglorious has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]