#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-09-17

[00:47:27] -!- anton has quit [quit: antoff]
[00:53:54] -!- anton [anton!anton@amcclure.org] has joined #ctrl-c
[02:52:42] <timemachine> hello all.
[02:54:32] <timemachine> the ability to customize Gnome 3 is a curse. I have been fiddling with EVERYTHING for the past week and got getting anything of substance done.
[02:55:35] <timemachine> same with zsh.
[03:32:22] -!- tomo_c has quit [Client exited]
[03:52:02] <wholesomedonut> Man. Tutanota's down again. Rough times.
[03:53:11] <wholesomedonut> I don't want to just say that because they're Russian they're getting DDOS'ed to kingdom come.... but you don't see ProtonMail face these kinds of issues. And in terms of how they encrypt stuff, they're both zero-access. PM has better data privacy laws generally because they're Swiss... but even then, it just surprises me that both of these services that do the same thing aren't both taking the heat.
[03:54:29] <wholesomedonut> timemachine: That was my first week with i3, where i primarily used a terminal emulator for most of my tinkering unless a GUI was required. I spent more time derping around with building shortcut scripts and changing bindings for the WM than I did actually writing code
[04:01:46] <timemachine> wholesomedonut: lol, yeah that's where I live right now. I've been dickering around with this shell's colorscheme for days now.
[04:09:46] <michel> timemachine: I ended up putting Material Shell on mine and leaving it alone :D
[04:10:16] <michel> the temptation to not customize the Manjaro KDE install on my Pinebook Pro is ... hard to resist though
[04:10:56] <timemachine> yup .. I'm learning all about mutt color schemes right now so I can change the colors.
[04:12:04] <michel> oh sweet, there's a tiling extension for KWin too https://github.com
[04:12:41] <michel> need to finally take the plunge and learn mutt one of these days. that or aerc
[04:26:04] <timemachine> I really like mutt. I first started using it in the 90's and had used elm before that.
[04:26:48] <timemachine> Unfortunatly I've fiddled with my terminal colors to the point where the header and footer bars are unreadable in mutt :p
[05:58:31] -!- timemachine has quit [Client exited]
[06:01:45] -!- timemachine [timemachine!timemachine@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[11:30:29] kiedtl is now known as quacc
[11:30:36] quacc is now known as kiedtl
[14:00:12] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:02:38] <timemachine> Hey Felix
[14:02:47] <felix> Hello!
[14:02:50] <felix> What's new?
[14:06:38] -!- timemachine has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[15:28:33] -!- noteness has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[15:53:30] -!- noteness [noteness!noteness@2a03:94e0:2102:1520::251] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:48:02] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[17:48:33] -!- aravk has quit [Connection closed]
[17:51:10] -!- aravk [aravk!~aravk@] has joined #ctrl-c
[20:30:33] -!- noteness has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[20:41:01] -!- noteness [noteness!noteness@2a03:94e0:2102:1520::251] has joined #ctrl-c
[21:07:34] -!- noteness has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[21:48:47] -!- noteness [noteness!noteness@2a03:94e0:2102:1520::251] has joined #ctrl-c
[22:22:01] <michel> hey all
[22:49:51] <kiedtl> hi michel
[22:52:32] <calamitous> Howdy!
[23:03:01] * jlj waves