#ctrl-c | Logs for 2020-11-27

[00:06:17] -!- Nova [Nova!87ebbcfccf2@tilde.team] has parted #ctrl-c
[00:06:23] -!- Nova [Nova!87ebbcfccf2@tilde.team] has joined #ctrl-c
[00:09:41] -!- Nova [Nova!87ebbcfccf2@tilde.team] has parted #ctrl-c
[00:10:12] -!- Nova [Nova!87ebbcfccf2@tilde.team] has joined #ctrl-c
[00:19:39] -!- Nova [Nova!87ebbcfccf2@tilde.team] has parted #ctrl-c
[00:20:07] -!- Nova [Nova!87ebbcfccf2@tilde.team] has joined #ctrl-c
[00:49:04] -!- Nova [Nova!87ebbcfccf2@tilde.team] has parted #ctrl-c
[01:10:30] <calamitous> Hey all! I just pushed out a new version of Iris. It takes a new approach to displaying messages, and it's a lot faster! Check it out and let me know what you think. :)
[01:14:21] <timemachine> calamitous: Happy TG!
[01:14:37] <timemachine> I'll check out iris right now.
[01:20:57] <calamitous> Thanks, and happy Thanksgiving to you! ;)
[01:21:03] <calamitous> Enjoy!
[01:33:21] <timemachine> well..the lexer that I'm working on has an infinate loop in it.
[01:33:59] <timemachine> It just wedged my whole debian system for 5 minutes until I hit the reset button.
[02:02:57] -!- kiedtl has quit [quit: This, too, shall pass.]
[03:19:22] <calamitous> Ouch. Live and learn. :D
[03:24:27] -!- kiedtl [kiedtl!spacehare@tilde.town] has joined #ctrl-c
[05:07:23] <xwindows> timemachine: If regular Ctrl+C is not working, and it was running on linux console, you can invoke the Secure Attention Key (Alt+SysRq+K) to kill it. (Which would kill everything attached to that console, and give you a brand-new login prompt)
[05:09:39] <timemachine> xwindows: good to know. I've never heard that before. My mouse wouldn't move so I'm wondering if it would work (after some time probably).
[05:10:46] <xwindows> I'm not exactly sure how Secure Attention Key would react with graphical session though.
[05:11:51] <xwindows> If it was graphical session, the sequence would be restore console keyboard mode (Alt+SysRq+R) then secure attention (Alt+SysRq+K).
[05:12:39] <xwindows> Haven't tried this, though.
[05:13:23] <xwindows> If it works, this would kill off the entire graphical session however.
[05:19:41] <timemachine> In other news I'm able to parse the BASIC script 'PRINT 3 + 4' into an syntax tree. :)
[05:27:38] <timemachine> Idea for an application: a PDF reader that has to option to sync the book page number with the viewer's page index.
[05:28:04] <xwindows> ?
[05:28:24] <xwindows> (Many PDF contain proper page number metadata)
[05:29:10] <xwindows> ^ Thus when you view them, the viewer's "page number" is the same as "page number" on the page's corner.
[05:29:20] <timemachine> none that I have... for example scans of text books from the 1980s.
[05:29:43] <xwindows> There're two ways to go with that...
[05:30:33] <xwindows> A. Make a persistent PDF-specific preference in your reader-of-choice, which maps page index->page number.
[05:31:17] <xwindows> ^ This requires changing PDF viewer (and having data at user machine), while leaving PDF file unchanged.
[05:31:46] <xwindows> B. Make a program that inserts proper page-number metadata into the PDF file.
[05:32:06] <xwindows> ^ This requires changing the PDF, but page number will be correct everywhere.
[05:32:47] <xwindows> I'd recommend choice B. (And maybe some off-the-shelf software already have this function)
[05:45:45] -!- creme has quit [quit: ZNC 1.7.2+deb3 - https://znc.in]
[05:46:10] -!- creme [creme!creme@envs.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[06:54:51] <timemachine> Mathmatical Precedence was easy enough... Now do I work on parans or go to sleep?
[06:56:46] <timemachine> I justpoured another coffee and turned on the heater so I gues it is parens
[15:05:53] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:13:50] -!- frigginglorious [frigginglorious!~Thunderbir@024-181-168-084.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:37:40] -!- frigginglorious1 [frigginglorious1!~Thunderbir@rrcs-24-206-45-122.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:37:50] -!- frigginglorious has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[16:37:50] frigginglorious1 is now known as frigginglorious
[18:22:31] -!- EulogyJones [EulogyJones!~EulogyJone@ymir.whatbox.ca] has joined #ctrl-c
[18:29:18] <felix> o/
[18:41:17] <timemachine> hola!
[18:41:38] <lovetocode999> Hello!
[18:45:07] <felix> How are you?
[18:46:59] <lovetocode999> I am good, how are you?
[18:47:07] <timemachine> debugging infinate loops over here..
[18:47:55] <lovetocode999> Sounds painful
[18:58:40] <timemachine> not too bad.
[19:03:25] <lovetocode999> Ok
[19:15:13] <felix> Sleepy now.
[19:15:32] <felix> What's loopin'?
[19:18:29] <felix> Anyway, see you!
[19:18:33] <timemachine> I'm writting a parser
[19:18:37] <felix> Ooh!
[19:19:03] <timemachine> it has sub-expressions and they are not being stepped over correctly.
[19:19:26] <timemachine> so it just parses them repeatedly.
[19:19:55] <timemachine> I squash it .. extend the language, it pops up again
[19:20:30] <felix> Huh.
[19:20:31] <timemachine> so I've been extending the tests harness to help me track them down.
[19:20:35] <felix> Well, good luck!
[19:20:42] <timemachine> THANKS! I need it.
[19:20:46] <timemachine> :)
[19:20:52] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[20:10:35] <aravk> ooh timemachine what's the parser for
[20:10:53] <aravk> oh whoops didn't realise the time diff
[20:23:18] <timemachine> aravk: I'm still here.
[20:24:13] <timemachine> I'm making the parser for fun mostly. Writing it in javascript
[20:25:21] <timemachine> I'm going through the MS QuickBASIC 4.5 manual and trying to parse all the expressions.
[22:53:57] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[23:21:18] -!- frigginglorious has quit [Connection closed]
[23:22:15] -!- frigginglorious [frigginglorious!~Thunderbir@024-181-168-084.res.spectrum.com] has joined #ctrl-c