#ctrl-c | Logs for 2021-01-04

[08:19:29] <rmg> \o
[09:07:53] <jlj> o7
[09:22:35] <rmg> jlj: What's up?
[09:30:13] <jlj> Back to work today. :-) A Splunk support ticket that was updated a few days ago, and then working on getting a HashiCorp Vault + Splunk demo running on Docker up for our company's Tech Day, this Friday. You?
[13:09:06] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:05:07] <lovetocode999> o/
[16:09:15] <felix> Hello!
[16:09:38] * jlj waves
[16:10:06] <felix> How are you?
[16:11:25] <lovetocode999> I'm ok. How about you?
[16:11:33] <felix> Not bad either!
[16:12:25] <jlj> Yeah, not too bad here. Back to work 'n' all that.
[16:12:32] <lovetocode999> Nice!
[16:12:58] <lovetocode999> I think I might have asked this before, and if so I apologize, but what job do you have?
[16:15:02] <jlj> No worries. I'm a technical consultant, in Cheltenham. Doing (mostly remote, now) professional services, in Splunk and now HashiCorp stuff (e.g., Terraform).
[16:15:46] <jlj> That's the UK. I was chatting in ubuntu-uk just then lol. This is a global channel. :-P
[16:18:00] <felix> Cheltenham sounds British enough, but confirmation can't hurt. ;)
[16:20:32] -!- xfnw- has quit [hub.tilde.chat team.tilde.chat]
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[16:33:29] <jlj> :-D
[16:42:06] <felix> Sounds like a nice place, by the way.
[16:43:04] <jlj> Yeah, a nice size.
[16:44:03] <felix> About on par with my birthplace.
[16:45:21] <felix> So many things look familiar.
[16:46:46] <jlj> Oh, yeah? Where was that?
[16:48:31] <felix> Brăila, Romania. Though landmarks in Cheltenham are more reminiscent of some in Bucharest.
[16:49:23] <felix> Like the town hall. We used to have a famous theatre in much the same shape.
[16:49:43] <jlj> Neat. Hey, that's a plot point in a show I'm watching right now. :-D
[16:50:14] <felix> How cool is that. Do tell!
[16:51:50] <jlj> Castlevania (animated) by Warren Ellis. It's about to be at the heart of a key battle. :-)
[16:52:28] <felix> Oh, interesting!
[16:54:19] <jlj> I know Ellis has (probably, rightly) fallen out of favour, but I can't help myself: his writing is such a treat.
[16:55:33] <felix> Both can be true at the same time.
[16:55:48] <jlj> Indeed.
[16:57:16] <jlj> It's funny: I joined a Matrix room specifically for the series, and all they're interested in is the art. They didn't even know about Ellis and his catalog. The art is OK, I guess; I really don't like some of it, actually. Humans are funny. :-P
[16:58:31] <felix> Oh yes. I like FreakAngels myself. At least I think that's his work.
[16:58:42] <jlj> Yup
[16:58:43] <felix> Can't check right now 'cause the website is down.
[16:58:54] <jlj> SUCH a neat concept, and well executed too.
[16:59:14] <jlj> The other one I'm most familiar with is Global Frequency.
[16:59:19] <felix> It seems to be a very common premise in British sci-fi though. :)
[17:00:09] <jlj> But I think he's more well known (in comics) for Transmetropolitan (maybe?).
[17:00:19] <jlj> Is it really?
[17:00:21] <jlj> lol
[17:00:23] <felix> That would be the big famous one.
[17:00:37] <jlj> Makes sense. Who else did it?
[17:00:49] <felix> And yes, I've run into quite a few that are about young people with superpowers experimented on by the government until they escape.
[17:01:06] <felix> Couldn't point you at them right now, sorry.
[17:01:27] <jlj> Ah, yes, but, the group from the Midwich Cuckoos, for me, is extra special.
[17:01:32] <jlj> Love Wyndham.
[17:01:51] <felix> I see!
[17:02:06] <jlj> Yeah, a What If... They survived the ending. :-)
[17:03:31] <jlj> Re Castlevania, I was very skeptical, as I am of all video game based premises, but he's taken it far beyond the game. (Well, as much as I remember of the game on Nintendo NES, from childhood.)
[17:03:32] <robertp> ah yes, back to work today! i'm excising lots of testing code out of a codebase into its own, for reasons
[17:03:42] <felix> o/
[17:03:58] <robertp> howdy. i've always wanted to visit romania
[17:04:20] <felix> I hope you're able to someday.
[17:04:29] <jlj> Me too. Not yet, and not for a while now, unfortunately.
[17:05:02] <robertp> maybe on my next trip to europe... i am in the process of getting my austrian citizenship, which gives me an eu passport. when i visit vienna i want to plan some trips to other places, possibly including bucharest
[17:05:25] <felix> Good luck on all accounts!
[17:05:43] <robertp> :) thank you. maybe late this year, but i think next year is more likely.
[17:05:51] <robertp> i doubt i'll leave the house much until late this year.
[17:07:17] <felix> Yeah, we're not going very far either.
[17:08:51] <robertp> braila looks lovely
[17:09:25] <felix> Glad you like it!
[17:09:53] <robertp> wikipedia makes it look nice
[17:12:09] <felix> It is, in many places. Unless they were ruined in recent years.
[17:21:44] <felix> Where are you from, robertp?
[17:24:02] <robertp> ,c location
[17:24:02] <tildebot> [04Config] Unknown context 'location'. Please provide 'user', 'channel', 'server' or 'bot'
[17:24:06] <robertp> um
[17:24:08] <robertp> ,c location robertp
[17:24:08] <tildebot> [04Config] Unknown context 'location'. Please provide 'user', 'channel', 'server' or 'bot'
[17:24:17] <robertp> bah. santa barbara, california
[17:24:21] <lovetocode999> ,c u location Colorado Springs
[17:24:22] <tildebot> [03Config] Config 'location' set to {'timezone': 'America/Denver', 'lat': 38.8339578, 'lon': -104.8253485, 'name': 'Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States'}
[17:25:05] <jlj> ,c u location Cheltenham UK
[17:25:07] <tildebot> [03Config] Config 'location' set to {'timezone': 'Europe/London', 'lat': 51.8995685, 'lon': -2.0711559, 'name': 'Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom'}
[17:25:17] <robertp> ,c u location Santa Barbara
[17:25:18] <tildebot> [03Config] Config 'location' set to {'timezone': 'America/Los_Angeles', 'lat': 34.4221319, 'lon': -119.7026673, 'name': 'Santa Barbara, California, United States'}
[17:25:52] <jlj> Neat. There's a Cheltenham in the States -- they took all the names here ;-) -- so I wasn't sure that'd work. :-)
[17:26:15] <felix> Oh, right! Sorry.
[17:28:25] <robertp> haha people have rediscovered email due to the slack outage
[17:28:49] <robertp> i wish i could convince people to use irc instead. it'll never happen though
[17:28:58] <lovetocode999> If only...
[17:29:30] <felix> There aren't many of us left.
[17:29:49] * jlj sighs wistfully
[17:30:00] <robertp> indeed.
[18:57:00] <lovetocode999> What is your favorite linux distro?
[18:59:11] <lovetocode999> Just trying to start a conversation :)
[19:00:27] <felix> These days I use Debian 10.
[19:00:51] <felix> Though for testing or building stuff in a VM I prefer Alpine.
[19:02:04] <felix> How about you?
[19:02:06] <xfnw> alpine is nice
[19:02:55] <felix> Oh yes! No-nonsense, and very lightweight.
[19:03:09] <felix> It's as light as NetBSD, which still blows my mind.
[19:05:56] <lovetocode999> I use Arch
[19:05:59] <lovetocode999> BTW
[19:06:13] <lovetocode999> I like Alpine
[19:06:20] <lovetocode999> I tried it a few weeks ago
[19:06:26] <lovetocode999> I still prefer Arch, though
[19:06:54] <xfnw> btw i use arch also
[19:07:17] <felix> Good for you!
[19:07:53] <lovetocode999> xD
[19:08:56] <felix> Of course, for a desktop you want something like that.
[19:09:17] <robertp> i used to prefer debian, but these days i'll generally use a LTS ubuntu
[19:09:42] <robertp> i prefer debian-based over redhat-based
[19:09:46] <felix> Stability is good!
[19:10:03] <lovetocode999> I prefer instability :P
[19:10:16] <robertp> although at $CURRENT_JOB we're redhat heavy, both in personnel and distro
[19:10:36] <lovetocode999> I've never used redhat
[19:12:21] <lovetocode999> Does anyone know how to bind a shortcut to go.py in weechat?
[19:12:39] <felix> Nope, sorry.
[19:13:01] <robertp> i always immediately forget how to do things in weechat and have to read the docs
[19:14:02] <lovetocode999> Lol same
[19:17:48] <lovetocode999> Figured it out! /key bind ctrl-T /go
[19:25:09] <robertp> heyo! cool
[19:27:33] <felix> Good work! See you!
[19:27:54] <lovetocode999> Bye!
[19:28:49] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[19:29:08] <robertp> good evening
[20:11:54] <fleg> Email was always alive. IRC too, but mostly in open source circles
[20:13:29] <fleg> And when it comes to distros, it's Fedora 4 lyfe. At this point I like something that just works, and Fedora is it, also it is pretty bleeding edge :D
[20:36:35] <fleg> When it comes to email, I'm currently hyped for delta.chat
[20:46:27] <lovetocode999> I like Delta Chat
[20:46:33] <lovetocode999> 'Tis pretty cool
[20:52:59] * jlj is intrigued and installing the desktop client presently
[21:36:48] -!- nyku has quit [quit: WeeChat 3.0]
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[23:01:26] Guest32014 is now known as ^
[23:12:46] ^ is now known as kiedtl|lurch