#ctrl-c | Logs for 2021-01-05

[02:56:25] -!- kiedtl|lurch has quit [quit: *thud*]
[04:16:42] -!- nyku has quit [quit: WeeChat 3.0]
[04:22:34] -!- ngp has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[12:21:12] -!- nyku [nyku!nyku@nyku.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[13:47:03] <lovetocode999> o/
[13:48:07] <jlj> \o
[13:48:21] <lovetocode999> Hello! How are you?
[13:48:30] <jlj> Yeah, OK, thanks. You?
[13:49:00] <lovetocode999> Doing well!
[13:50:19] <jlj> I mean, the UK is in lockdown again for six weeks now, but I've sort of been living that way for 10 months now, so, yeah, s'OK. :-P
[13:50:29] <lovetocode999> Ooof
[13:50:34] <jlj> Indeed
[13:50:49] <jlj> At least nurseries are allowed to open this time!
[13:51:12] <jlj> With two very little ones, that makes a _huge_ difference!
[13:51:18] <lovetocode999> Which kind of nurseries?
[13:51:51] <jlj> Like daycare/childcare: up to ~5; pre-school, in other words.
[13:52:12] <lovetocode999> I see!
[13:52:22] <lovetocode999> Do you have small children?
[13:53:25] <jlj> Yeah, my oldest will be four in a week, and his sister will be two in April.
[13:55:26] <lovetocode999> Fun!
[13:56:22] <jlj> Sure is: great ages. Lots of work, though. Think I got about an hour's sleep from midnight to 5am last night. But it'll all be in the past in a flash, I know.
[13:57:58] <lovetocode999> Wow, that is not much sleep...
[13:59:22] <jlj> That isn't every night, though. Just going through a bit of a rough patch with the youngest. My nephew has been like that for months on end, though, apparently. X-/
[14:00:14] <jlj> And my bro-in-law drives a lot for work...
[14:00:30] <jlj> At least I'll only fall asleep at my keyboard.
[14:04:04] <jlj> What's it like in your neck of the woods?
[14:04:48] <lovetocode999> Well, my youngest sibling is eight
[14:05:04] <lovetocode999> So I get full nights of sleep, which is quite nice
[14:06:23] <jlj> Gotcha. Any restrictions on life, more widely?
[14:07:00] <lovetocode999> We have to wear masks everywhere
[14:07:05] <lovetocode999> 'Tis quite annoying
[14:08:29] <lovetocode999> The co-op I do twice a week put a restriction in place that we have to be "respectful" of the mask mandate, which is quite annoying for me because I am _strongly_ against it
[14:08:40] <jlj> Right. Yeah, we've had to do that for quite a long time, even when they put in this tiered system that opened things up over the autumn.
[14:08:56] <jlj> Against wearing a mask? How come?
[14:09:18] <lovetocode999> I'm not against wearing a mask, I'm against being mandated to do so.
[14:09:41] <jlj> Ah, gotcha.
[14:10:11] <jlj> What does that mean anyway? Can the police do anything?
[14:10:57] <lovetocode999> I don't know that the police can do anything, but if I remember correctly you can get fined if you are reported for not wearing a mask
[14:11:43] <jlj> Oh, wow. I don't even think they can do that over here. Although, the Brits are masters of the disapproving look. Great power in that. ;-)
[14:15:08] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:15:14] <lovetocode999> o/
[14:17:21] <felix> Hello!
[14:17:27] <jlj> \o
[14:17:38] <lovetocode999> How are you?
[14:18:05] <felix> Not bad, and you?
[14:18:19] <lovetocode999> I am well!
[14:18:57] <felix> Posted my newsletter today!
[14:19:04] <jlj> Ooo!
[14:19:17] <lovetocode999> Oh nice!
[14:20:17] * lovetocode999 looks on all of felix's websites he knows of
[14:21:06] * jlj grins
[14:22:34] <lovetocode999> The Odroid Go Super looks awesome
[14:25:21] <felix> Oh, it does!
[14:26:54] <lovetocode999> Now if only I had $80...
[14:29:49] <lovetocode999> Very nice newsletter, felix!
[14:29:59] <felix> Thank you!
[14:34:25] <jlj> Oh, yes, very nice!
[14:35:05] <jlj> Hey, do you two hear about this project? https://if50.substack.com
[14:35:15] <jlj> did you*
[14:35:40] <felix> I saw the news! Hard to find the patience for it however.
[14:36:13] <jlj> Seemed niche. :-) But might be interesting.
[14:39:28] <felix> It's of enormous historical interest. And Aaron Reed is well-positioned to do such a study.
[14:41:50] <jlj> Yeah, I was surprised that this hadn't been captured elsewhere. Much like I was upon receiving Button Power for Xmas.
[14:44:54] <felix> It was mentioned plenty of times in my circles.
[14:45:10] <jlj> Yes, I'd imagine. :-)
[15:09:57] -!- nyku has quit [quit: WeeChat 3.0]
[15:10:37] -!- nykunet [nykunet!nyku@nyku.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:11:05] nykunet is now known as nyku
[15:12:18] <felix> o/
[15:27:54] -!- ngp [ngp!~ngp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:30:36] <felix> \o
[19:24:13] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]