#ctrl-c | Logs for 2021-01-06

[00:01:16] -!- ben has quit [quit: i'll probably be back soon]
[00:01:20] -!- ben [ben!ben@oper.tilde.chat] has joined #ctrl-c
[01:04:18] -!- kiedtl|lurch [kiedtl|lurch!kiedtl@tilde.team] has joined #ctrl-c
[01:04:35] -!- kiedtl|lurch has quit [quit: *thud*]
[01:15:52] -!- kiedtl|lurch [kiedtl|lurch!kiedtl@tilde.team] has joined #ctrl-c
[02:17:48] -!- kiedtl|lurch_ [kiedtl|lurch_!kiedtl@tilde.team] has joined #ctrl-c
[02:18:35] -!- kiedtl|lurch_ has quit [quit: *thud*]
[12:34:27] -!- noteness has quit [quit: ZNC - https://znc.in]
[12:39:38] -!- noteness [noteness!noteness@2a03:94e0:2102:1520::251] has joined #ctrl-c
[13:30:27] -!- kiedtl|lurch has quit [quit: *thud*]
[13:30:36] -!- kiedtl|lurch [kiedtl|lurch!kiedtl@tilde.team] has joined #ctrl-c
[13:32:33] -!- kiedtl|lurch has quit [quit: *thud*]
[13:32:36] -!- kiedtl|lurch [kiedtl|lurch!kiedtl@tilde.team] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:03:52] -!- kiedtl|lurch has quit [quit: *thud*]
[14:04:06] -!- kiedtl|lurch [kiedtl|lurch!kiedtl@tilde.team] has joined #ctrl-c
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[14:05:02] -!- kiedtl|lurch [kiedtl|lurch!kiedtl@tilde.team] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:56:12] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[16:58:09] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:16:36] <lovetocode999> o/
[17:20:55] <robertp> good morning
[17:30:10] <jlj> \o
[17:37:09] <lovetocode999> Hello!
[17:37:19] <lovetocode999> How are you all?
[17:41:49] <robertp> waking up. more coffee is required.
[17:44:08] <robertp> how are you doing?
[17:46:37] <lovetocode999> I'm doing great!
[17:47:10] <lovetocode999> I've been working on this: https://ttm.sh
[17:49:08] <robertp> what is that? i'm rather ignorant of telegram
[17:49:37] <lovetocode999> A song
[17:49:56] * lovetocode999 looks up telegram
[17:50:02] <robertp> oh! i fatfingered the url :)
[17:50:57] <robertp> that's super cool
[17:51:06] <lovetocode999> Thanks!
[17:51:12] <lovetocode999> What have you been up to?
[17:51:25] <robertp> work, getting a release out
[17:51:27] <robertp> probably today
[17:52:13] <lovetocode999> Cool. What is it that you are getting out a release of?
[17:52:38] <robertp> https://github.com
[17:52:54] <jlj> Oops, yeah, I'm OK, thanks. Just having to learn more docker (in a hurry) than I expected for this demo, as installing ruby-based fluentd on my Mac with ruby-based Homebrew was a software-spaghetti nightmare. Anyway, kids just got home; TTYL.
[17:53:32] <lovetocode999> Bye!
[17:56:20] <lovetocode999> Docker is pretty cool
[17:57:50] <robertp> i've been working with docker and kubernetes quite a bit, and i'm still not sure which side of the fence i come down on :)
[17:59:17] <robertp> there are things about containers that are damn near miraculous, and things that are just annoying
[17:59:28] <lovetocode999> I've never used kubernetes before, what is it like?
[18:01:30] <robertp> it's complex. not as maddeningly complex as some things, but for me at least the learning curve is steep
[18:02:44] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[18:03:11] <robertp> i've done light unix admin my whole career, including configuration management with eg ansible, chef, cfending, but kubernetes solves a lot of problems so it's necessarily a bigger beast than what i've been used to for admin stuff
[18:03:22] <robertp> er cfengine
[18:03:52] <lovetocode999> Ok!
[18:06:25] <lovetocode999> Have you heard of subuser? It uses docker and in my opinion is pretty cool
[18:07:55] <robertp> i haven't, but it does look interesting
[18:12:31] <lovetocode999> How are you today, felix?
[18:12:43] <felix> Creative! You?
[18:14:33] <lovetocode999> Creative as well! I've been working on this: https://ttm.sh
[18:14:43] <lovetocode999> What have you been applying your creativity to?
[18:15:40] <slipyx> creativity is a myth
[18:15:58] <lovetocode999> How so?
[18:29:35] -!- nyku has quit [quit: WeeChat 3.0]
[18:29:42] -!- nyku [nyku!nyku@nyku.net] has joined #ctrl-c
[18:46:58] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[18:48:04] <felix> I've been writing my story as usual lately.
[18:48:28] <felix> But music is fine too!
[18:49:44] <felix> Your songs are interesting.
[18:55:12] <lovetocode999> Thanks!
[18:55:27] <lovetocode999> How is your story going
[18:55:32] <lovetocode999> s/going/going?/
[18:57:26] <felix> It's going! Had a slowdown recently, but I figured things out.
[18:58:51] <jlj> robertp: good to know your experience. I may have questions for you in the future. :-) For now, I've backtracked: I'm going to use Multipass instead, for this demo. I'd swapped it for LXC at home, as I found that easier to get bridged to my LAN. But this demo just needs to talk amongst itself, as it were.
[19:04:29] <lovetocode999> felix: That is good!
[19:04:58] <felix> :)
[19:05:07] <robertp> jlj: sounds good, i may have answers :)
[19:22:16] <felix> Well, I should go. See you!
[19:23:07] <lovetocode999> Bye!
[19:23:17] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[19:33:14] -!- ben has quit [quit: i'll probably be back soon]
[19:33:17] -!- ben2 [ben2!ben@oper.tilde.chat] has joined #ctrl-c
[19:33:41] ben2 is now known as ben
[19:50:27] -!- ben has quit [Client exited]
[19:51:11] -!- ben [ben!ben@oper.tilde.chat] has joined #ctrl-c
[21:01:01] -!- xfnwznc has quit [quit: Connection reset by purr]