#ctrl-c | Logs for 2021-02-10

[01:17:53] -!- yinznme [yinznme!yinznme@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[01:27:15] -!- yinznme has quit [Client exited]
[03:34:02] -!- ben has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[04:16:28] -!- ben [ben!ben@oper.tilde.chat] has joined #ctrl-c
[06:21:59] -!- blake_smith [blake_smith!~blake_smit@2409:4061:88:7b59:b9ec:ef35:f3f0:3608] has joined #ctrl-c
[07:34:22] <blake_smith> sorry but i am in a bit of a problem
[07:34:42] <blake_smith> I can't ssh to ctrl-c
[07:34:48] <blake_smith> please help
[07:35:30] <blake_smith> after getting my account i chsh to fish shell but didn't notice that i made a typo
[07:35:41] <blake_smith> now i can't get back in
[07:35:46] <blake_smith> what do i do??
[07:36:44] <xwindows> blake_smith: Maybe try something along the line of `ssh USER@HOST sh`. (Note the `sh` being the last word)
[07:37:10] <xwindows> ^ Or `ssh USER@HOST /bin/sh` .
[07:38:56] <xwindows> ^ Note that it would give a shell with no visible prompt; you can `whoami` to see that you got in, then `pwd` and Enter to see where you're at;
[07:40:06] <xwindows> ^ Once you're sure that you're in, you can `chsh` back.
[07:40:42] <xwindows> ^^ To fix your shell; and then try logging in again (with regular SSH command) in different window.
[07:41:23] <xwindows> ^ If you could log in, then you may terminate this special shell by typing `exit` and Enter.
[07:41:38] <blake_smith> thanks
[07:42:18] <xwindows> blake_smith: You tried it and it worked?
[07:47:57] <blake_smith> trying right now
[07:48:22] <blake_smith> yup working thanks man
[07:49:05] <xwindows> Verified it by logging in via normal SSH yet?
[07:52:11] <blake_smith> hmm wait this is strange, it seems i didn't make any typo i entered /usr/bin/fish
[07:52:19] <blake_smith> but its not working
[07:53:15] <xwindows> Maybe check `which fish` to see the exact location on ^C first?
[07:53:48] <blake_smith> i did cat /etc/shells first
[07:54:05] <blake_smith> and then matched the two
[07:54:20] <blake_smith> i is exactly the same
[07:55:28] <xwindows> And have you tried doing `chsh` again? (But this time, do not log out; test new login session on new window)
[07:56:17] <blake_smith> no i will try
[07:59:09] <blake_smith> hmm its saying Could not set up terminal
[07:59:20] <blake_smith> i mean fish
[07:59:57] <xwindows> But it logged in?
[08:00:05] <blake_smith> yup
[08:00:13] <blake_smith> fish didn't run
[08:00:28] <xwindows> Then what is run?
[08:00:33] <blake_smith> i changed back to bash
[08:00:43] <blake_smith> then i ran fish normally
[08:00:55] <blake_smith> and fish gives the same msg
[08:01:05] <blake_smith> Could not set up terminal
[08:01:06] <xwindows> blake_smith: What is the value of your `TERM` environment?
[08:01:25] <xwindows> blake_smith: ^ On ^C, that is.
[08:01:35] <blake_smith> xterm-termite
[08:02:00] <xwindows> blake_smith: Try running `TERM=xterm fish` instead.
[08:02:46] <xwindows> blake_smith: Does it still bail?
[08:11:47] <blake_smith> did you mean xterm-fish
[08:11:49] <blake_smith> ?
[08:12:08] <xwindows> No.
[08:12:48] <blake_smith> oh its working
[08:12:54] <xwindows> I meant running FISH while tricking it into believeing that current terminal type is plain `xterm`.
[08:13:14] <blake_smith> understood it just now
[08:13:21] <blake_smith> and also working
[08:14:18] <xwindows> Then it's likely a FISH problem (that it doesn't try using `xterm` as fallback).
[08:14:59] <blake_smith> hmm
[08:15:09] <blake_smith> so do i add it to bashrc?
[08:15:10] <xwindows> If you wish to use FISH as login shell, you still can; but you will have to configure your SSH client to send `TERM` environment variable with value `xterm` instead.
[08:15:30] <blake_smith> ok
[08:15:57] <blake_smith> working on it
[08:16:00] <blake_smith> thanks
[08:16:07] <xwindows> blake_smith: "do i add it to bashrc?", doing it this way would help FISH run under BASH, but it won't help if you set FISH as your login shell.
[08:16:46] <blake_smith> hmm
[08:17:25] <xwindows> blake_smith: Regarding how to "configure your SSH client to send `TERM` environment variable with value `xterm`", see `man ssh`, scroll down to the end of section ENVIRONMENT.
[08:18:59] <blake_smith> ok
[08:24:59] <xwindows> If that doesn't work, then you might have to do `TERM=xterm ssh HOST@PORT` when you SSH in instead.
[08:26:32] <blake_smith> hmm it seems its not working
[08:27:02] <blake_smith> i created environment file in .ssh
[08:27:12] <blake_smith> and changed the variable there
[08:29:05] <xwindows> You have to configure this on your local machine/device though.
[08:30:29] <xwindows> But yeah, it might not work; depending on the SSH server's configuration. (TBH, I just tried, it doesn't work on ~club too)
[08:31:16] <xwindows> So only `TERM=xterm ssh HOST@PORT` left then. (I have personally tested that this indeed *does* work)
[08:40:28] <blake_smith> yeah i did change it locally
[08:41:22] <blake_smith> i guess i will make a bash script to automatically connect me to ctrl c
[08:43:05] <blake_smith> by the way my ssh connection is kinda slow are there any tricks to speed it up
[08:43:07] <blake_smith> ?
[09:39:49] <xwindows> blake_smith: Well, it is not usually "slow" in the sense of speed, but rather in the sense of latency.
[09:40:32] <xwindows> blake_smith: Many people use `mosh` to work around that; at the sacrifice of local scrollback.
[09:41:09] <xwindows> blake_smith: https://mosh.org
[09:42:11] * xwindows still uses plain SSH however, as he often copy/paste- which uses local scrollback.
[11:59:48] <blake_smith> ok thanks
[12:55:00] <blake_smith> btw is mosh server natively supported in ^C ?
[12:55:15] <blake_smith> i mean can I just mosh into it?
[12:55:33] <blake_smith> or do i need to setup a mosh server on the other side
[13:55:11] <fleg> blake_smith: works for me without any extra setup
[14:00:46] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:11:15] <lovetocode999> o/
[14:14:34] <felix> Hello!
[14:19:25] <felix> How are you?
[14:37:32] -!- pmanik [pmanik!pmanik@ctrl-c.club] has joined #ctrl-c
[14:38:24] -!- pmanik has quit [Client exited]
[15:04:07] -!- blake_smith has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[15:23:34] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[16:23:12] -!- blake_smith [blake_smith!~blake_smit@] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:29:15] <blake_smith> when is the upgrade scheduled though?
[16:29:35] <blake_smith> to Ubuntu 20.04
[16:34:02] <felix> It's been attempted already. Twice even.
[16:34:22] <felix> There was a problem and we were never migrated to the new machine.
[16:34:51] <blake_smith> i think i read a notice
[16:35:23] <blake_smith> where it stated that upgrade is coming soon
[16:36:35] <felix> Guess the website hasn't been updated.
[16:37:43] <blake_smith> are we really stuck with 14.04 then?
[16:37:59] <blake_smith> isn't there any hope?
[16:38:15] <felix> Of course there's hope. Calamitous has been working on it.
[16:38:47] <blake_smith> that's nice
[16:39:27] <blake_smith> btw does the Gemini server support cgi scripts?
[16:41:36] <felix> Dunno, sorry.
[16:42:36] <felix> I just used it for static pages.
[17:39:58] <lovetocode999> felix: I am good! How are you?
[17:44:21] <felix> Not bad either!
[17:45:37] -!- blake_smith has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[17:45:40] <lovetocode999> That's great!
[17:46:01] <lovetocode999> Have you worked on your story at all today?
[17:46:49] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:50:31] <felix> Not for a few days now. Been thinking about it again.
[18:22:49] <lovetocode999> What have you been up to today?
[18:36:38] <felix> Going to the park, reading, sorting old bookmarks...
[18:36:43] <felix> How about you?
[18:38:58] <lovetocode999> Mostly just schoolwork
[19:17:44] <felix> Well, take care! See you!
[19:20:50] <lovetocode999> Bye!
[19:26:10] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]