#ctrl-c | Logs for 2021-02-26

[01:25:35] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[01:28:46] -!- lovetocode999 has quit [Connection closed]
[01:29:45] -!- lovetocode999 [lovetocode999!~lovetocode@2601:281:cc01:190::5595] has joined #ctrl-c
[01:33:03] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[07:35:38] <fleg> ,w
[07:35:39] <tildebot> [03Weather] (fleg) Wroclaw, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland | 6C/44F | Clear Sky | Humidity: 93% | Wind: 1.8km/h (1.1mi/h)
[08:12:56] -!- rjcks [rjcks!~richard@] has joined #ctrl-c
[08:14:22] <jlj> ,w
[08:14:22] <tildebot> [03Weather] (jlj) Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom | 3C/37F | Clear Sky | Humidity: 83% | Wind: 4.6km/h (2.9mi/h)
[08:16:12] <fleg> hello, jlj
[08:16:21] <fleg> good morning everyone in general
[08:17:42] <hedy> ,time
[08:17:42] <tildebot> [03Time] Time for hedy: 2021-02-26 16:17:42 UTC+8
[08:17:48] <hedy> good morning
[08:18:25] <jlj> Hi fleg, hedy!
[08:20:45] <rjcks> ,time
[08:20:45] <tildebot> [03Time] Time for rjcks: 2021-02-26 09:20:45 UTC+1
[08:21:18] <rjcks> ,w
[08:21:18] <tildebot> [03Weather] (rjcks) Morocco | 11C/52F | Broken Clouds | Humidity: 100% | Wind: 5.5km/h (3.4mi/h)
[08:21:42] <rjcks> good morning, all
[08:21:48] * jlj waves
[08:44:42] <rjcks> ,time
[08:44:42] <tildebot> [03Time] Time for rjcks: 2021-02-26 09:44:42 UTC+1
[08:45:13] * rjcks has fixed his time
[11:56:43] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[12:05:23] -!- gavodavo has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[12:05:44] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[13:26:33] -!- gavodavo has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[14:49:45] -!- lovetocode999 has quit [Ping timeout: 120 seconds]
[15:11:21] -!- lovetocode999 [lovetocode999!~lovetocode@2601:281:cc01:190::5595] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:20:23] -!- lovetocode999 has quit [quit: WeeChat 3.0]
[15:20:28] -!- lovetocode999 [lovetocode999!~lovetocode@2601:281:cc01:190::5595] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:23:33] -!- felix [felix!~nttp@] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:25:37] -!- lovetoco- [lovetoco-!~lovetocode@] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:28:20] <felix> Hello!
[15:28:57] <lovetocode999> Hi!
[15:31:12] -!- lovetocode999 has quit [quit: WeeChat 3.0]
[15:31:26] lovetoco- is now known as lovetocode999
[15:32:08] <lovetocode999> How are you today?
[15:34:36] <felix> I'm good! And you?
[15:34:52] <lovetocode999> I'm great!
[15:35:00] <felix> Do tell!
[15:36:04] <lovetocode999> Just got an account on MIF's ZNC server, 'tis really nice
[15:36:45] <julian> I also have znc
[15:36:50] <lovetocode999> Cool!
[15:37:10] <lovetocode999> How are you julian?
[15:37:23] <julian> Great
[15:37:34] <julian> And my znc has cool identd change per user
[15:37:55] <julian> Not like that ~ is changed with znc_
[15:38:00] <lovetocode999> Sounds cool, but I have no idea what that means (^^
[15:38:17] <julian> Indent lets user admins ban only a user and not the entire host
[15:38:39] <lovetocode999> I see!
[15:39:24] <lovetocode999> What have you all been up to today?
[15:40:17] <julian> Setting up that
[15:40:27] <lovetocode999> Cool
[15:40:32] <lovetocode999> What about you felix?
[15:40:52] <felix> Writing a scene right out of James Bond movies.
[15:41:02] <julian> Now i need to setup my znc with tilde
[15:41:05] <julian> And hope it works
[15:41:28] <lovetocode999> felix: Nice!
[15:41:36] <felix> Thanks!
[15:41:45] <lovetocode999> Good luck julian!
[15:41:51] <julian> Thanks
[15:55:28] -!- ben has quit [quit: i'll probably be back soon]
[15:56:50] -!- ben [ben!ben@oper.tilde.chat] has joined #ctrl-c
[15:58:20] -!- ben has quit [quit: i'll probably be back soon]
[15:59:41] -!- ben [ben!ben@oper.tilde.chat] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:18:36] -!- perrierjouet has quit [Client exited]
[16:55:56] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[16:56:19] <lovetocode999> Hello!
[16:58:25] <julian> Hi
[16:58:55] <julian> hi lovetocode999, $(who | tr '\n' ', ')
[16:59:19] <lovetocode999> Lol
[16:59:34] <julian> I need to make a oneliner
[17:00:06] <lovetocode999> hi lovetocode999, greymtr pts/32 2021-01-18 17:49 (mosh [13581]),nttp pts/38 2021-02-26 11:59 (,michel pts/43 2021-01-24 19:33 (mosh [7742]),root pts/59 2021-02-25 10:29 (cpe-76-92-171-37.kc.res.rr.com),fleg pts/63 2021-02-08 10:59 (mosh [15374]),calamitous pts/65 2021-02-25 10:31
[17:00:09] <lovetocode999> (cpe-76-92-171-37.kc.res.rr.com),lovetocode999 pts/82 2021-02-26 10:11 ( via mosh [8381]),jlj pts/85 2021-02-15 12:25 (cpc77371-stav19-2-0-cust1487.17-3.cable.virginm.net),jlj pts/86 2021-02-15 12:26 (cpc77371-stav19-2-0-cust1487.17-3.cable.virginm.net),skydrome pts/6 2021-02-22 21:25 (,fleg pts/121 2021-02-21
[17:00:10] <lovetocode999> 03:15 ( via mosh [31909]),rjcks pts/75 2021-02-26 03:15 (,MIF pts/79 2021-02-25 11:35 (,nristen pts/16 2021-02-26 09:54 (cpe-76-183-210-52.tx.res.rr.com),
[17:00:37] <julian> Wow
[17:00:41] <julian> That does nto work
[17:00:54] <lovetocode999> No, it does not
[17:00:59] <fleg> what's going on
[17:01:38] <lovetocode999> I copy-pasted the output of `echo "hi lovetocode999, $(who | tr '\n' ', ')"`
[17:02:06] <fleg> I see that mosh is popular
[17:02:08] <fleg> nice
[17:02:21] <julian> New command
[17:02:37] <lovetocode999> 'Tis
[17:02:44] <lovetocode999> Mosh is a good remote shell
[17:02:53] <lovetocode999> What is the new command julian?
[17:02:59] <julian> Let me try it better
[17:05:22] <julian> Oh for some reasoon , is a special char on things
[17:05:30] <julian> Or im getting it wrong
[17:07:03] <julian> echo Hi $(w -h| awk '{print $1}' | tr '\n' 'JSC' | sed 's/J/\, /g')
[17:07:26] <julian> I hope no one has uper case J in their name
[17:08:10] <julian> lovetocode999: echo Hi $(w -h| awk '{print $1}' | tr '\n' 'JSC' | sed 's/J/\, /g')
[17:09:15] <lovetocode999> Very nice!
[17:09:33] <julian> Does ctrl-c has us?
[17:10:06] <julian> curl https://julian.ttm.sh >> ~/bin/us
[17:10:24] <lovetocode999> Here's what I came up with: echo "Hi $(who | awk '{print $1}' | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,/, /g' | sed 's/, $//')!"
[17:10:29] <julian> Im not on Ctrl-c i maybe get to singup later
[17:10:31] <julian> Thanks
[17:10:31] <lovetocode999> No idea
[17:10:45] <julian> Nop it does not have
[17:10:58] <julian> Surely since no one does know my script
[17:11:04] <julian> It works
[17:11:27] <julian> https://x0.at
[17:11:41] <lovetocode999> *applause*
[17:11:48] <julian> If you put that msg on #team you ping everyone on team
[17:11:53] <lovetocode999> Cool
[17:12:02] <lovetocode999> Hi greymtr, michel, root, fleg, calamitous, lovetocode999, sario528, jlj, jlj, skydrome, fleg, rjcks, MIF, nristen!
[17:12:58] <lovetocode999> That's odd, I wonder why there are two of some people...
[17:13:03] <lovetocode999> Maybe they're logged in twice
[17:13:10] <julian> Yep
[17:13:18] <julian> You need to pass it to uniq
[17:14:26] <julian> curl -L julian.ttm.sh/o/25f | bash -
[17:14:39] <Sario> Several of usain
[17:14:58] <Sario> us maintain multiple irc connections
[17:17:33] <lovetocode999> $ echo "Hi $(who | awk '{print $1}' | uniq | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,/, /g' | sed 's/, $//')!"
[17:17:35] <lovetocode999> Hi greymtr, michel, root, fleg, calamitous, lovetocode999, jlj, skydrome, fleg, rjcks, MIF, nristen!
[17:17:40] <lovetocode999> Success =D
[17:19:35] <lovetocode999> So, now that I've pinged everyone on here multiple times... (^^
[17:21:39] <lovetocode999> Oh, maybe I should filter out root
[17:22:08] <lovetocode999> echo "Hi $(who | awk '{print $1}' | uniq | tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,/, /g' | sed 's/, $//' | sed 's/, root//')!"
[17:22:27] <lovetocode999> =)
[17:22:51] <julian> Yep
[17:23:01] <julian> Let me edit that on my oneliner
[17:23:40] <julian> curl -L julian.ttm.sh/o/25t | bash -
[17:24:00] <lovetocode999> Wow
[17:24:13] <lovetocode999> Lot's of people
[17:24:47] <lovetocode999> Or lots?
[17:24:58] <lovetocode999> Grammar is hard...
[17:25:44] <julian> What is the user list
[17:25:45] <Sario|IRCCloud> lovetocode999: Hmm, not everyone
[17:25:58] <julian> curl -L julian.ttm.sh/o/25t | bash - # Lists all users in /home
[17:26:14] <lovetocode999> My script just listed people logged in
[17:26:26] <lovetocode999> Or is that not everyone logged in?
[17:26:38] <Sario|IRCCloud> Ahh, ok
[17:27:19] <lovetocode999> We have many members
[17:30:08] <julian> curl https://julian.ttm.sh
[17:30:59] <lovetocode999> 688
[17:32:14] <julian> That is the user count
[17:32:26] <julian> Also my scripts of this are now on 27Q folder
[17:33:05] <lovetocode999> I figured it was the user count
[17:33:26] <lovetocode999> Except it doesn't count people without ~ dirs
[17:33:33] <lovetocode999> Well, it doesn't count users
[17:33:40] <julian> It dosent
[17:33:49] <julian> But im thinking of checking /etc/passwd
[17:33:54] <lovetocode999> I'm sure there aren't any actual people on Ctrl-C Club without home directories XD
[17:34:10] <lovetocode999> Isn't that only readable by root?
[17:34:10] <julian> You can use a script that checks
[17:34:14] <julian> Nop
[17:34:19] <lovetocode999> Okay
[17:34:24] <julian> In unix is readeable by everyone
[17:34:28] <julian> Need for shells
[17:34:50] <lovetocode999> It must be /etc/shadow that is only root readable then
[17:34:56] <julian> Yep
[17:34:59] <julian> It contains password
[17:35:04] <julian> Hashs'
[17:35:39] <lovetocode999> I see
[17:35:47] <julian> Making a script
[17:35:55] <julian> Are you on ~team?
[17:35:59] <lovetocode999> Nope
[17:36:03] <julian> Ok
[17:36:08] <lovetocode999> Only Ctrl-C Club
[17:36:11] <julian> I waated to show how i do that
[17:36:13] <lovetocode999> Not any other tildes
[17:36:20] <lovetocode999> How you do what?
[17:36:41] <julian> I cloud send my term to a http serv on my serv but im a bit lazy
[17:36:54] <julian> I was going to let you open my tmux socket with ro perms
[17:37:00] <lovetocode999> Ahh, I see
[17:37:17] <lovetocode999> If you want I could join ~team
[17:37:27] <julian> I wana join ~Ctrl-c
[17:37:29] <julian> By myself
[17:37:34] <julian> And show how i do that
[17:37:39] <lovetocode999> Okay
[17:37:54] <julian> Hi are there any Ctrl-C club admins here?
[17:38:09] <lovetocode999> calamitous, but I don't know if he's active
[17:40:13] <julian> Request done
[17:40:17] <lovetocode999> Huzzah!
[17:40:43] <julian> I cloud also port forward you to me and let you a key that can only run a tmux a -r
[17:40:52] <lovetocode999> Okay
[17:40:54] <julian> Can you pm me a pubkey url?
[17:41:20] <julian> * on pm
[17:41:24] <lovetocode999> I don't think my key is online anywhere
[17:41:50] <julian> pb it
[17:42:00] <lovetocode999> Okay
[17:42:07] <lovetocode999> How?
[17:42:18] <julian> Let me give you a script
[17:42:18] <lovetocode999> (I probably sound really stupid (^^)
[17:42:21] <lovetocode999> Okay
[17:44:47] <julian> curl https://julian.ttm.sh | key="YOURKEY" bash -
[17:45:36] <julian> Replace YOURKEY with your actual ssh key
[17:45:43] <julian> It will give you a url
[17:45:45] <lovetocode999> Ohh, ssh key
[17:45:47] <lovetocode999> Okay
[17:45:53] <lovetocode999> I thought you meant gpg XD
[17:46:24] <julian> Whatever you put there it will be thrown into that url
[17:46:51] <lovetocode999> I assume I just use the .pub file?
[17:46:56] <julian> Yep
[17:47:09] <julian> DONT EVER PUT YOUR PRIVATE KEY
[17:47:24] -!- perrierjouet [perrierjouet!~perrierjou@modemcable012.251-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:47:27] <julian> Anywhere
[17:47:48] <lovetocode999> Error: File type not allowed.%
[17:47:53] <lovetocode999> =/
[17:47:58] <julian> Wut
[17:48:11] <julian> Run it again
[17:48:48] <julian> Does it begin with -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----?
[17:49:02] <lovetocode999> No, it does not
[17:49:05] <julian> Ok
[17:49:09] <julian> Then do it again
[17:49:11] <lovetocode999> It begins with ssh-rsa
[17:49:16] <julian> Ok
[17:49:19] <julian> It is valid
[17:49:55] <julian> If begins with *PRIVATE KEY* you better not share it
[17:50:20] <lovetocode999> https://ttm.sh
[17:50:46] <julian> Let me try
[17:51:40] <lovetocode999> Oh whoops, that wasn't in a pm
[17:51:44] <lovetocode999> Heh (^^
[17:51:46] <julian> NP
[17:51:51] <julian> It is a pub key
[17:51:55] <lovetocode999> Yeah
[17:51:57] <julian> Im editing the file on vim
[17:52:08] <lovetocode999> Now if I had accidentally shared my private key...
[17:52:21] <lovetocode999> At least I have a separate key for stuff like github and aur
[17:52:34] <lovetocode999> So I wouldn't have to create a new key for *everything*
[17:52:35] -!- altair [altair!altair@tilde.team] has joined #ctrl-c
[17:53:14] <julian> Try to run it again
[17:53:17] -!- perrierjouet has quit [quit: WeeChat 3.0]
[17:53:21] <lovetocode999> The script?
[17:53:42] <julian> Or run ssh -i yourkeyprivate julian@tilde.team
[17:54:58] <lovetocode999> open terminal failed: missing or unsuitable terminal: xterm-kitty
[17:55:18] <julian> Or run TERM=xterm256-color ssh -i yourkeyprivate julian@tilde.team
[17:55:40] <julian> Done added a var so ur term does not have a prob i also use kitty
[17:56:00] <lovetocode999> Cool
[17:56:16] <lovetocode999> I copied over the terminfo to ctrl-c.club so I wouldn't have to change my TERM
[17:57:09] <lovetocode999> I can't type =/
[17:57:28] <julian> Try now
[17:57:38] <julian> You can theoricaly
[17:57:58] <lovetocode999> Nope
[17:58:07] <julian> Ok then i will show you that pane
[17:58:11] <lovetocode999> I connected through mosh
[17:58:16] <lovetocode999> Could that be the problem?
[17:58:20] <julian> Nop
[17:58:24] <julian> It may be my issue
[17:58:30] <julian> But dont disconnect
[17:58:36] <julian> Else you can't connect
[17:58:40] <lovetocode999> Okay
[17:58:57] <julian> This is my main pane
[17:59:13] <lovetocode999> Cool
[17:59:14] <julian> Where im tring to get awk to work as i want it
[17:59:23] <lovetocode999> I see!
[17:59:35] <lovetocode999> Very nice tmux setup btw
[18:00:09] <julian> You can find dotfiles on https://tildegit.org
[18:00:15] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:00:26] <lovetocode999> I'll check that out later
[18:03:17] -!- altair has quit [quit: Lost terminal]
[18:03:44] <julian> Done
[18:03:53] <julian> It now uses all users
[18:04:06] <lovetocode999> Huzzah!
[18:04:58] <julian> That is now all users
[18:05:07] <lovetocode999> =D
[18:05:16] * lovetocode999 applauds
[18:05:54] <julian> Lol didnt update it
[18:06:17] <lovetocode999> Lol
[18:06:49] <lovetocode999> Why is your folder named 27q
[18:06:54] <julian> Random
[18:06:55] <lovetocode999> *27q?
[18:06:57] <lovetocode999> I see
[18:07:10] <julian> Is a program called pwgen
[18:10:43] <julian> It is coo
[18:10:47] <julian> * cool
[18:11:25] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:12:36] <lovetocode999> Oooh, nice
[18:12:47] <julian> I just opened up cmatrix
[18:12:53] <lovetocode999> I love cmatrix
[18:15:19] <lovetocode999> figlet is cool as well
[18:15:29] <julian> Im tring to get a figlet with that
[18:16:36] <julian> Done
[18:16:47] <lovetocode999> What does the -w option do?
[18:16:51] <julian> What i should do
[18:17:17] <julian> View term opened in manpage
[18:17:35] <lovetocode999> I see
[18:17:43] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:18:38] <julian> Still what i should do?
[18:18:47] <julian> Im tring to get ideas
[18:18:54] <lovetocode999> No idea
[18:19:37] <lovetocode999> WOAH
[18:19:45] <lovetocode999> What did you do to cmatrix?
[18:19:53] <julian> You can try to open cmatrix and press random keys
[18:19:55] <lovetocode999> Or was that just a terminal glitch?
[18:19:58] <lovetocode999> Ahh, I see
[18:20:00] <julian> That is m
[18:20:04] <lovetocode999> Weeeird
[18:20:18] <julian> You can even pause it
[18:20:22] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:20:54] <lovetocode999> Oooh, colors
[18:21:32] -!- gavodavo has quit [The TLS connection was non-properly terminated.]
[18:21:54] <lovetocode999> I liked the red
[18:22:09] <lovetocode999> 👌
[18:22:48] <julian> Depends on conf
[18:23:18] <julian> kitty conf
[18:23:49] <lovetocode999> I see
[18:23:54] <julian> Wut
[18:23:55] <lovetocode999> What is that?
[18:24:04] <lovetocode999> O-o
[18:24:06] <julian> mondirian
[18:24:17] <julian> * mondrian
[18:24:20] <lovetocode999> Weeird
[18:24:48] <julian> Lol i can't get it back
[18:25:11] <lovetocode999> Ohhh, you use byobu?
[18:25:19] <julian> Yep
[18:25:24] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:25:24] <julian> But with my tmux conf
[18:25:27] <julian> On top
[18:25:30] <lovetocode999> Nice
[18:25:40] <julian> I didnt think it was going to work corectly
[18:26:19] <lovetocode999> Greyscale...
[18:26:26] <julian> Yep
[18:26:30] <julian> You use kitty
[18:26:35] <lovetocode999> The red and the blue are the best
[18:26:38] <lovetocode999> Yes I do!
[18:26:45] <julian> I know cuz the error
[18:26:51] <julian> Of TERM
[18:26:54] <lovetocode999> Yeah
[18:26:54] <julian> I also use kitty
[18:26:59] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:27:28] <lovetocode999> You should try `kitty +kitten ssh tilde.team` so that you don't need to change your $TERM
[18:27:30] <julian> cmatrix has also a screen lock mode
[18:27:33] <julian> Yep
[18:27:42] <julian> But im lazy to edit the s script
[18:27:45] <lovetocode999> Lol
[18:28:03] <lovetocode999> Once you've run it once, you don't have to run it again
[18:28:14] <lovetocode999> Unless you accidentally delete the terminfo on tilde.team
[18:28:30] <julian> Oh then i have alredy copied the terminfo
[18:28:52] <julian> Done
[18:28:56] <julian> On all tildes
[18:29:02] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:29:11] <lovetocode999> Very good
[18:29:15] <julian> Im going to read the conf to remember a keybind
[18:29:31] <lovetocode999> Okay
[18:30:04] <julian> How it was so i can change widgh and height?
[18:30:37] <lovetocode999> What do you mean?
[18:31:36] <julian> You can have windows on the same os window
[18:31:56] <lovetocode999> Yes
[18:33:11] <julian> width && height have a menu
[18:33:20] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:33:45] <julian> But what was the keybind for that menu?
[18:33:51] <lovetocode999> No idea
[18:34:18] <julian> Prefix+r
[18:34:32] <lovetocode999> AH
[18:34:38] <lovetocode999> s/AH/Ah/
[18:36:16] <julian> https://x0.at
[18:36:54] <lovetocode999> Oh, you use Bedrock?
[18:36:56] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:36:57] <julian> Yep
[18:37:02] <julian> Do you use it?
[18:37:13] <lovetocode999> I used to
[18:37:21] <lovetocode999> But then I wanted to try ZFS
[18:37:26] <julian> What you use now?
[18:37:32] <lovetocode999> And ZFS+grub+bedrock does not work well =(
[18:37:35] <lovetocode999> Arch
[18:37:41] <julian> I use artix
[18:37:45] <lovetocode999> Oooh, cool
[18:37:52] <lovetocode999> I've been thinking about trying artix
[18:37:55] <lovetocode999> 'Tis pretty cool
[18:37:57] <julian> It is cool
[18:38:26] <lovetocode999> Are you on envs?
[18:38:30] <julian> Yep
[18:38:33] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:38:42] <lovetocode999> How many tildes are you a part of?
[18:38:50] <julian> I dont remeber
[18:39:25] <lovetocode999> You have a lot of IRC networks
[18:39:28] <julian> Im on tilde.team, tilde.club, tidle.my.to, rw.rs, envs.net, kiiwiis.xyz
[18:39:29] <julian> Yep
[18:39:37] <lovetocode999> I only have this, freenode, and sturtz
[18:39:42] <julian> 8 Nets
[18:40:11] <lovetocode999> I don't believe I've heard of kiiwiis.xyz
[18:40:14] <julian> Tilde, Freenode ( as julianmarcos ), Vulpineawoo, Oftc, DareNet, IrcNow, Sturtz,Technet
[18:40:20] <lovetocode999> Are they part of the tildeverse?
[18:40:26] <julian> I dont think so
[18:40:29] <julian> But they are a tilde
[18:40:39] <julian> They are closing soo
[18:40:41] <julian> * soon
[18:40:43] <lovetocode999> Okay, that's why I haven't heard of them then
[18:40:49] <lovetocode999> Oh, that's sad =(
[18:41:06] <julian> I have my own tilde ( tilde.my.to ) but it isn't on the tildeverse members page
[18:41:11] <julian> Cuz is too new
[18:41:36] <lovetocode999> I've seen tilde.my.to, but I didn't know you were the admin!
[18:41:41] <lovetocode999> That's pretty cool
[18:41:50] <julian> Is mine only
[18:41:52] <lovetocode999> Ah, just visited the page
[18:41:59] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:42:06] <julian> Lol i need to update email
[18:42:18] <lovetocode999> Lol
[18:42:35] <julian> https://tilde.my.to
[18:42:39] <julian> https://tilde.my.to
[18:42:44] <julian> Are not mentioned anywhere
[18:42:59] <lovetocode999> Not many users
[18:43:15] <julian> But it is still there
[18:43:23] <julian> If someone wants to register
[18:43:25] <lovetocode999> What does the scoreboard keep track of?
[18:43:33] <julian> Failed logins
[18:43:38] <lovetocode999> Oh, I see
[18:43:53] <lovetocode999> " 1264 admin "
[18:43:55] <lovetocode999> Lol
[18:44:19] <julian> The script is as scoreboard.sh
[18:44:40] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:45:29] <julian> I have a thelounge server also
[18:45:32] <julian> https://tilde.my.to
[18:45:38] -!- perrierjouet [perrierjouet!~perrierjou@modemcable012.251-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ctrl-c
[18:45:40] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:45:45] <julian> Hi perrierjouet
[18:45:52] <lovetocode999> Welcome
[18:46:36] <lovetocode999> Should I disconnect from ~team now?
[18:46:42] <julian> If you want
[18:46:49] <julian> Im going to try to disconnect you
[18:46:53] <lovetocode999> Okay
[18:47:15] <julian> Did you got detached?
[18:47:25] <lovetocode999> Yes, I did
[18:47:29] <julian> Cool
[18:47:41] <julian> I now know how to detach users from tmux
[18:47:46] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:47:50] <lovetocode999> *applause*
[18:49:27] <julian> Im going to prepare a system so users from any tilde can view my term but i need to be on that tilde
[18:51:26] -!- missogra [missogra!~missogra@dynamic-077-000-089-187.77.0.pool.telefonica.de] has joined #ctrl-c
[18:51:51] <lovetocode999> Okay
[18:51:53] <lovetocode999> That would be cool
[18:54:33] <julian> Cuz im going to make a c program that lets you see a tmux wind on some serv and then from there whe go
[18:54:50] <lovetocode999> Cool
[18:55:53] <julian> That cloud be posible or forard a socket via a port
[18:56:09] <julian> Cuz is just ro no writing
[18:56:36] <julian> Why isnt this chan registered?
[18:56:46] <julian> /cs info #ctrl-c
[18:59:29] <lovetocode999> Strange
[18:59:32] <lovetocode999> I have no idea
[19:00:51] <julian> 48 users you need to leave to get op or ask a oper
[19:02:41] -!- mode/#ctrl-c [+o calamitous] by OperServ
[19:04:08] <julian> Or use OperServ
[19:04:20] <julian> Hi calamitous
[19:06:49] <julian> Or if you are oper use oper powers to give oper to a ctrl-c.club admin
[19:08:01] <lovetocode999> Idk who here is oper
[19:08:58] <julian> You can view the opers on #meta founder list
[19:14:21] -!- missogra has quit [Client exited]
[19:14:29] -!- missogra [missogra!~missogra@dynamic-077-000-089-187.77.0.pool.telefonica.de] has joined #ctrl-c
[19:19:06] -!- felix has quit [Client exited]
[19:20:12] -!- missogra [missogra!~missogra@dynamic-077-000-089-187.77.0.pool.telefonica.de] has parted #ctrl-c
[21:29:58] -!- gavodavo [gavodavo!~me@] has joined #ctrl-c
[22:23:16] <jlj> lovetocode999: Yeah, I had been running everything in tmux, but then, I've started using my email a lot more now, so I wanted that in a seperate window, while keeping weechat up. So, yeah, two pts's.
[22:31:20] <lovetocode999> Makes sense!
[22:54:01] -!- rjcks_ [rjcks_!~richard@] has joined #ctrl-c
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