# __ __ __ #| |_.--.--.--| |_.--.--| |_ #| _| | | | _|_ _| _| #|____|________|____|__.__|____| # # twtxt is an open, distributed # microblogging platform that # uses human-readable text files, # common transport protocols, and # free software. # # Learn more about twtxt at https://github.com/buckket/twtxt # # == Metadata == # # nick = nristen # url = gemini://ctrl-c.club/~nristen/twtxt.txt # url = https://ctrl-c.club/~nristen/twtxt.txt # pgp = gemini://ctrl-c.club/~nristen/gpg.pub.asc.gmi # gemini = gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~nristen # xmpp = karl@ttwsyfree.org # # --- Content --- 2016-10-14T09:36:52-04:00 first post 2017-01-25T22:19:42-05:00 twtxt doesn't seem to have gathered much traction over the past year? 2017-01-25T22:39:50-05:00 http://ipfs.io/ I want to learn more - bookmark 2017-01-26T21:45:28-05:00 looked over IPFS - looks interesting - will give it a try to see how many other people are already using it. 2017-01-26T21:47:09-05:00 Mystic BBS running at bbs.thehomesteadinghippy.com:34123 2017-01-26T22:15:25-05:00 just learned about keybase chat 2017-01-27T16:33:13-05:00 Another test tweet 2017-01-27T16:33:48-05:00 Another test tweet - testing the post tweet hook which works 2017-01-27T16:41:52-05:00 CAPS LOCK - preventing logins since 1980 2017-01-28T13:49:31-05:00 relaxing day off - visiting friends! 2017-01-31T15:25:06-05:00 Dreary day... Rain mixed with snow... working - wishing I was someplace else. 2017-02-05T19:30:54-05:00 Sunshiney Day 2017-04-11T11:10:26-04:00 Checking to see if a twtxt is currently syncing over to my raspberry pi web server. 2017-04-11T11:11:12-04:00 It does sync over successfully. 2017-04-12T16:58:25-04:00 recovering from having wisdom teeth pulled 2017-04-18T14:47:37-04:00 relearning a little perl code to use with http://rexify.org 2017-04-18T14:55:36-04:00 another test 2017-04-18T15:08:54-04:00 test2 2017-05-10T10:29:55-04:00 just trying out asciinema for recording a terminal session for using bacula 2017-12-11T16:21:14-05:00 Been a long time since I updated twtxt 2018-04-10T09:42:57-04:00 just updated twtxt from 1.2.1 to 1.2.3 - looks like there were some config file changes 2018-04-10T10:13:53-04:00 updated metadata on twtxt.txt file 2018-06-09T20:21:16-04:00 Fossil (http://fossil-scm.org) - private GitHub replacement that runs on Raspi 2018-08-23T13:32:16-04:00 @<71m https://timmorgan.org/twtxt.txt> did you send mail from within mutt or using mutt in a script? 2019-03-02T20:11:00-05:00 Setup Syncthing to mirror buku bookmark database 2020-08-23T11:23:49-05:00 Renabling twtxt on my blog. 2020-08-23T12:22:46-05:00 I just installed asuka to try out the gemini protocol (https://gemini.circumlunar.space/) 2022-02-14T16:10:08-06:00 I have moved this twtxt feed from my keybase website to my gemini capsule on ctrl-c.club 2022-05-13T13:20:16-05:00 Posting this using twet which can pull from gemini sources. 2022-05-14T08:38:42-05:00 Added text/plain cat %s as a handler to offpunk so I can view twtxt files in gemini browser offpunk. 2022-06-08T17:24:05-05:00 Sound now works on PinePhone Pro (archlinux w/ SXMO) gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~nristen/gemlog/20220608.gmi 2022-06-10T14:28:55-05:00 new post added to gemlog and updated pinephonepro tinylog at gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~nristen 2022-08-15T13:05:00-05:00 new gemlog: gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~nristen/gemlog/20220815.gmi 2024-05-07T03:26:58Z Snikket is a front end to xmpp which does have e2e encryption through either pgp or omemo.