2023-09-30 ROOPHLOCH 2023

I am cutting it really close, since it is the last day of September, but I managed to write an entry for this year's ROOPHLOCH - sitting on a bench in the park, composing the text on a Palm Portable Keyboard connected to a Palm m125.

I got this keyboard just last week, and I am loving it. It feels better than most laptop's keyboards, and it is objectively 300% cooler than any laptop's keyboard. The Palm itself, despite being a 21-years old BW PDA with a grossly underpowered CPU and only 8 MiB of RAM, is surprisingly useable for this kind of tasks.

Technobabble aside, today was a pretty good day, and a pretty good way to end a pretty good week. I held a lesson on cybersecurity with a goat plushie sitting in the middle of the classroom, picked up a new laptop - a P52, which is a wee bit more powerful than the device I am writing this on - chatted with strangers, cooked and cleaned and slept and was - if not happy - then at least not dissatisfied with life.

I do wish more people would participate to union activies, though. I did, but I was one of a handful of people, out of the multiple hundreds in my workplace (and multiple thousands of hundreds working in my field in the whole country). I also wishthat summer would hurry up and fuck all the way off: the equinox was six days ago, and it definitely overstayed its welcome.