Podcast Download Script Generator
  1. Create an xml file containing the list of podcasts you're interested in. Example files to copy and edit: Casey's List Legs' List

  2. Click 'Choose files' and upload your list. Podcasts should start to load in the purple column.
  3. Click on a Podcast or Category to load its description and episodes in the center column. You can traverse the feed with the 'older' 'newer' and 'now' buttons. Mouseover an episode to see its description.
  4. Click on an episode to add it to the download list. Click again to remove it.

  5. Click "Get Textfile" to download a json file including the episode urls. Download & run this python script to batch download the episodes listed in the generated json file

    ** OR **

    Click "Get Html" to download an html page with the links to the episodes