A Small Update

​ I just wanted to give a little update on the status of this blog, how I'm doing, and what's coming up from me. If you follow me on mastodon then you know I've been working on an experimental web game with a friend for one of my college classes. It has been a very demanding project and I faced some challenged throughout, but I am going to be committing much more time to it in the coming weeks up until my class ends. When I get the opportunity to, I usually do a short stream over on my twitch at least once every few days.

​ I've also been taking time to focus on my mental health and refine what I actually enjoy doing and what projects I should leave behind. The main one for me was server administration. I kept trying to set up various servers to host websites and self hosted projects but doing it on my own hardware in my apartment proved to be a frustrating and demoralizing experience. I think in the future I'll get a vps of some sort to host some projects I want to put up, but I've learned that server admin, hardware, and networking just isn't for me.

​ That being said, this blog is something I want to do more often, I recently was having hesitations about making posts because I thought I didn't have anything to say. I've been trying to interrogate this feeling, and I think it comes down to perfectionism and wanting all of my projects to reflect a unified cohesive brand. I'm done with that. No offense to the people reading this, but I've decided this blog is for me, not for you. If I have something I want to talk about I'm going to put it here, even if someone else explained it better somewhere else. I enjoy writing and want to continue doing it, not just coming up with and throwing away article ideas endlessly. That starts with my next article, which is out right now [A Pirate's Guide to Audiobooks].

​ I want to thank everyone on merveilles for their incredible community and really encouraging me to stop stressing about the things I want to get done, and start doing them. Hopefully you will see much more from me in the near future.