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a secret

On the computer, a 12 year old Toshiba laptop, I spend my time mainly in the terminal or text based programs (I have never liked the term applications or apps) like mutt, newsboat, lynx and so on. Sure, some web browsing with Firefox and document editing in Libre Office occurs but GUI stuff usage is minimal.

On my smartphone device on the other hand...

I have two social media accounts (Facebook and WhatsUp), both to keep contact with my children, grandchildren and some friends because I'm quite alone amongst my friends to be a linux user with a strong belief in open source and the small web. The Twitter account were deleted when Mr Musk took over and and a very seldom used account on Instagram were also dropped.

the secret

I'm a keen Pokemon Go player. Despite the data collection, geographical surveillance and closed source. So why? It is a fun game, I never been much of a gamer, but this one gives me something while walking around cathing the mons. Fighting in the Go Battle League is really fun though I'm to old to have any major successes, the youngsters have so much better memory and are alot faster than me. Also, all of my grandkids play the game so it is a nice activity to do with them. Finally, the game helpes me fight my life long struggle against anxiety and depression (perhaps a subject for another blog post). Now you know my dark digital secret.

do not judge me to harchly