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copernicus - well worth a visit

If you have seen my gemnini tinylog you may have noticed that I once a month write about the Copernicus updates of the average surface air temperature of the world. Copernicus, named after Nicolaus Copernicus, is a part of the European Union's space programme and has the task to look down at the earth from above via satelites, together with land based weather stations and buoys out at sea, to give us amongst other things data about the atmosphere, land and oceans.

I am concerned (scared shitless) about climate change so it is with great interest I follow the data that is presented every month and it does not look promising, especially when I see that the politicians procrastinate or make, to put it mildly, dubious decisions on the matter. There is no doubt that the planet is getting warmer and that fairly quick and our planet does not wait for us to get our act together. But this text is not a rant of how stupid we humans are. Instead I just want to give you a tip to visit the Copernicus website. In my opinion it is absolutely worth a visit.




my gemini tinylog: gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~skf/tinylog/tinylog.gmi You will need a geminispace browser to view it.

Be well!